15 Powerful Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking and Start Creating a Positive Reality
HJ: Whatever you believe the world will reflect back to you because our minds filter incoming sensory data based on our beliefs. What does not fit our perceptual model of the world is…

8 Highly Effective Ways to Get Rid of Unwanted, Negative Thoughts
HJ: Thoughts are merely symptoms of more deeply held beliefs. But thoughts can also be used to discover your beliefs. By simply noticing your negative thoughts as they arise and then simply asking…

5 Powerful Ways to Overcome Negative Thoughts and Stay Present, Centered and Happy
HJ: When we leave behind all the negative thinking and self-defeating thoughts, we suddenly find ourselves in the present moment, centered and happy. There are many techniques to do this, but it’s important…

How to Control Your Mind and Free Yourself From Unwanted Thoughts
HJ: In order to be able to stop unwanted thoughts, you have to understand that the mind is like a tape recorder… it just plays back what’s been recorded. This is the secret…

How to Reprogram Your Thoughts and Beliefs With Powerful Self Hypnosis Techniques
HJ: Self hypnosis allows you to easily move beyond the limits of your conscious mind and begin changing your thoughts and beliefs where they originate — the subconscious mind. Trying to change your…

How Your Thoughts Produce Very Real Physical Changes in Your Brain
HJ: Most open-minded people have become aware of the fact that their thoughts have a powerful influence on their health and happiness, however, few realize that their thoughts actually produce very real physical…

Researchers Finally Prove How Your Thoughts and Beliefs Change Your Genes
HJ: The ability of thoughts and beliefs to change your genes has recently gained credibility in the eyes of science as researchers begin to more deeply understand the relationship between the mind and…

How Your Thoughts Powerfully Shape Your Brain
HJ: In the process of understanding how your thoughts shape your brain, one often finds themselves at the conclusion that negative thoughts are bad and to be avoided at all costs. And while…

Tapping Into Your Creative Genius: Understanding How the Creative Mind Works
HJ: The first step in tapping into your creative genius is understanding how the creative mind works. This foundational knowledge will allow you to see where you may be impending the outflow of…

Mastering Your Mind: The 8 Laws That Govern the Mind and How to Use Them to Reshape Your Consciousness
HJ: Until we understand the mind, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to master it. This may seem to be an overwhelming thought to some who feel that the mind is infinitely complex, and indeed it…