9 Powerful Ways to Tap Into Your Spiritual Abundance
HJ: Abundance is your birthright. It is the natural state of the cosmos and life as we know it. Look around you, abundance is everywhere — trees, flowers, food, air, water continually renew…

How to Create Heart-Centered Prosperity and Abundance in Your Life
HJ: True abundance and prosperity comes from aligning yourself with the urges of your heart. Many who are financially rich are love and spirit poor, to be clear. Abundance is the natural state…

How to Align Yourself With the Flow of Prosperity and Abundance
HJ: Prosperity and abundance happen naturally as a byproduct of aligning ourselves with the flow of the universe. That means trusting ourselves, our intuition and the direction we are being led in life. In…

Meditation for Cultivating Prosperity and Abundance (Video)
HJ: Prosperity, or lack thereof, is more related to personal beliefs about self worth and abundance than about money itself. Self worth and abundance issues physically correspond to the lower three chakras and…

The 5 Spiritual Keys to Wealth and Prosperity
HJ: Wealth and prosperity are like flowers in a garden — they only grow under the right conditions. Those conditions are created through looking inward and seeing where we may still be blocking ourselves…

How to Create True Prosperity in Your Life No Matter What The Economy is Doing
HJ: First and foremost, prosperity is a mindset. The biggest stumbling block for most people is continually searching outside themselves for prosperity. In this situation, one is constantly at the behest of external…

True Prosperity: Becoming an Employee of the Universe
Colin Bondi, Contributing Writer | Waking Times — I love the word prosperity. Prosperity represents a fulfilling life encompassing not only material wealth but happiness and genuine fulfillment. I think of it as a state…

Cosmic Awareness: Manifesting Wealth Through Dismantling Unconscious Beliefs
August 2011 http://www.cosmicawareness.org QUESTIONER: We have a question from ZoeyZen concerning unconscious beliefs. She writes: “How exactly might one dismantle unconscious beliefs of assuming that having wealth and prosperity will automatically make one ruthless…

The Universal Laws: The Law of Co-Creation
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff While the implications of this law are staggering and obvious, one can see how it can be used to either promote…

A New Global Currency (Article + Video)
A New Global Currency 2012 JANUARY 1 Posted by Pat Donworth Steve: Folks, again another indication, to any who’ve been wondering about the matter, that NESARA is real and it IS coming. A New…