15 Ways to Get Clarity on Your True Passions in Life
HJ: Passions are the universe pulling you forward in the direction of your highest potential. Knowing your passions is one of the core keys to living a rich and fulfilling life. Without this knowledge,…

Why It’s So Hard to Find Your Passion (and What You Can Do to Discover It)
HJ: Passion, life purpose, meaning… whatever you want to call it, it can be tricky to find if you don’t know how to properly recognize the signs your heart and the universe are…

6 Powerful Techniques to Ignite Your Creativity and Passion For Life
HJ: Creativity is much more than simply something we access when we want to write a poem, draw, play an instrument or create any kind of art. It is actually a fundamental driving…

Living Courageously: 5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear and Live a Life of Passion
HJ: Fear is a biological mechanism designed to keep us safe and alive, however, when we react fearfully to situations that do not threaten our survival directly, it begins to cause problems in…

How to Harness the Power of Your Imagination to Achieve Your Dreams and Goals
HJ: Imagination is one of the most powerful faculties we posses for achieving our dreams and goals. It is essentially a blank canvas where we can flesh out ideas, inspiration and creative ways…

4 Questions to Help You Rediscover Your Passion in Life
HJ: If you have lost site of or even forgotten your passion in life, you’re not alone. Without consistent attention and nurture, our dreams and passions tend to fade from memory as we…

Why You Don’t Need to Work Hard to Earn a Living: How to Manifest Effortlessly By Doing What You Love
HJ: Most people spend their entire lives not pursuing their passions and dreams and find life to be difficult, filled with unending insecurity, drudgery and end up never feeling fulfilled. They struggle to…

The 4 Keys to Building a Life Around Your Passion
HJ: I have been seeing articles floating around the net on major websites suggesting that it is naive or even a bad idea to build a life around your passions. All I can…