Love What You Eat: How Your Beliefs About Food Majorly Affect Your Health
HJ: There are few things more supremely powerful in our lives than our thoughts. Spiritual masters have known it for millennia and research into quantum physics and consciousness is confirming it beyond a…

6 Simple Ways to Keep Genetically Modified Foods (GMO’s) Out of Your Diet
HJ: Genetically Modified Foods (GMO’s) are at best highly controversial and at worst cause cancer, brain damage and severely alter your body’s natural functioning. It’s easy to get lost in all the semantics of…

What You Need to Know About Superfoods From the Sea
HJ: Perhaps more than any other food on earth, seaweeds are an incredible source of hard to get minerals, which are alarmingly lacking in todays foods due to over farming and under replenishment of soils….

How to Nourish Your Brain and Enhance its Function With Whole Foods
HJ: The beauty of a healthy, whole food, well-rounded diet is that it accomplishes many tasks in one fell swoop. It provides a solid foundation on which health can be built. Then, if…

The 8 Essential Nutrients Your Body Needs Daily For Optimal Health (and How to Get Them From Food)
HJ: There is a common misconception that we are able to easily meet our nutritional needs from whatever foods we are eating on a daily basis. While this is possible, it requires a…

Holistic Nutritionist Lays Out Her Top 10 Food Rules For Radiant Health
HJ: Opinions and beliefs about health are increasingly becoming like beliefs about politics and religion — highly charged and vehement. Ultimately, this serves no one as even the most extreme diets are based…

5 Powerful Herbs and Foods for Healing Your Digestive Tract
5 Powerful Herbs and Foods for Healing Your Digestive Tract By Jay Truth | The Healers Journal — In the Ancient Indian system of medicine known as Ayurveda, digestion is considered the foundation…

How to Eat Organic for Less Money Than You Ever Thought Possible
HJ: Eating Organic can be done relatively cheaply while still maintaining a very high level of food quality and purity. Below I will offer a few tips to augment the advice listed in…

5 Signs That Your Body Needs More Vitamins and Minerals
HJ: Our bodies are constantly communicating to us our state of health, we just have never been taught how to identify, read and interpret the signals. We have been taught instead to go…

How to Tell When ‘Health Food’ is Not Really Healthy
HJ: I remember when I first became health conscious. I immediately ran to my local health food store and began buying all my favorite snack foods in their organic and ‘all natural’ incarnations….