A Powerful Guided Meditation For Awakening and Activating Your Chakras
Guided Meditation to Open Up Your Energy Centres By Marc Allen — Meditation is simple. In fact, one of the most difficult things about it is that it is so simple. Most…

How to Use Meditation as a Powerful Self-Healing Tool
HJ: Science, particularly the field of epigenetics, is proving that your mind, intention and focus are far more powerful than ever previously imagined. So powerful, in fact, that they can very easily lead…

Finding Your Place of Stillness: A Guided Meditation for Deep Peace and Relaxation
HJ: Life is about balance and in that sense most of us need more stillness, peace and quiet. The tendency in modern society is to be overstimulated, overextended, over everything… And so finding…

How to Transcend Negative Emotions and Move Into Peace and Wholeness
HJ: Your emotional state is everything. You will rarely do something out of alignment with your emotional state. And so it is important to be able to get a handle on it —…

A Highly Unconventional Meditation For Deep Inspiration, Healing and Vision
HJ: Meditation can be so much more than simply sitting with your eyes closed and watching your breath. While that absolutely is meditation, there are many different styles and forms each with their…

How to Heal and Strengthen Your Energy Body With Auric Breathing
HJ: It is believed in many traditions that all imbalances in the physical body originate from imbalances in the auric field, aka the energy body. Either way, it is just as vital and…

How to Control Your Body and Immune System With Your Breath
HJ: Mind over matter. We have all heard the phrase but few understand it’s true power. With enough wherewithal, you can literally do anything you set your mind to, as Wim Hof is…

How to Tune Into Your Inner Truth
HJ: Your truth is uniquely you and it is your gift to the world (and yourself). In every sense, our only task in this life is to live it fully and wholeheartedly with joy…

2 Simple But Powerful Meditation Exercises for Reclaiming Peace of Mind
HJ: All the money in the world can’t buy you peace of mind. But that’s also the beauty of it. Peace of mind is accessible to anyone at anytime no matter how poor…

How to Quickly Calm a Restless, Racing Mind
HJ: Sometimes it feels like our mind has a life and mind of its own and has no interest in calming down and playing by our rules despite out best intentions and efforts…