How to Properly Harness the Power of Gratitude For Improving Your Life
HJ: The power of gratitude cannot be overstated. Quite simply, it attracts to you that which you value and love. This wonderful article by the wise Steve Pavlina will help you better understand…

Understanding How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality Through The Power of Active Consciousness
HJ: There is quite a bit of confusion about how your thoughts create your reality. Despite the fact that this is constantly occurring whether or not one can perceive it or recognize it, there is…

What It Takes to Begin Manifesting Successfully: How to Access Your Full Creative Potential
HJ: The primary reason that individuals are not able to successfully manifest in a near instantaneous fashion is that they are unconsciously holding beliefs that are in some way opposed to the very…

Demystifying the Law of Attraction: Understanding the Different Approaches to the Sacred Science of Manifestation
HJ: There are many different philosophies and approaches to working with the law of attraction and this can ultimately be bewildering, especially to someone new to the topic. In can also cause one…

How to Overcome the 4 Biggest Hurdles to Successfully Manifesting Your Desires
HJ: One of the biggest misconceptions that exist regarding successfully manifesting your desires is that you simply need to shift your thoughts and then everything you want will simply appear in your life….

How to Make the Law of Attraction Work For You
HJ: The Law of Attraction is always in effect. The key is to begin working with it in a way that brings you more of what you want and less of what you dont…

Are You Focusing on ‘What is Wrong’ or ‘What is Right’ With Your Life?
By Truth | The Healers Journal — One of the biggest challenges I see people facing that keeps them from expressing their full potential and manifesting what they truly desire is constantly focusing on ‘what…

What ‘The Secret’ Failed to Tell You About the Law of Attraction
HJ: The Law of Attraction is at once the most widely known and simultaneously misunderstood of the universal laws, thanks (in large part) to the surprise hit documentary ‘The Secret’. While The Secret…

How Asking the Right Questions Can Unlock Your Ability To Manifest The Best Possible Outcome In Any Situation
HJ: If the law of attraction and manifestation don’t seem to be working for you, you may be going about them in the ‘wrong’ way. There are many reasons why these laws don’t…