10 Nutrition Lies You Need to Stop Believing If You Want to Experience Radiant Health and Wellness
HJ: When it comes to diet and nutrition, it’s a jungle out there. Dr. Mercola steps in in this comprehensive article to sort out fact from fiction in the great debate about what…

10 Powerfully Healing Superfoods to Boost Your Health and Happiness
HJ: Eating a handful of superfoods is like eating pounds of regular food. They literally have extraordinary amounts of nutrition and unique and rare medicinal substances highly concentrated so that a small serving…

Powerful Healing Technique For Removing Stress and Shifting Into Health
HJ: There are many relatively unknown, but extremely powerful and effective healing techniques in existence at this time. This one, developed by Dr. Alexander Loyd, is one of the best, as attested to…

7 Powerful Supplements to Boost and Detoxify Your Liver
HJ: As one of the most essential and critical organs in the human body, it is extremely important to keep your liver in good health, free of toxins and functioning at its peak. A…

5 Questions to Help You Only Focus on The Things Essential to Your Health, Wealth and Happiness
HJ: Your focus is everything — what you focus on, you get more of. It is one of the simplest laws of consciousness. And therefore, the art of maintaining your focus on only…

3 Powerful Methods for Pineal Gland Activation
HJ: Your pineal gland is the interface between the spiritual levels of consciousness and the physical manifestation of consciousness. It is a gateway, in a sense, that translates information and impulses between two…

6 Highly Nutritious Seeds With Powerful Health Benefits
HJ: Seeds are incredible foods because they contain the essential nutrients that plants need to thrive and grow to hundreds of times their original size in a very short period of time. They are like…

The Sacred, Ancient Flower That Heals the Human Soul
HJ: Humanity’s relationship with medicinal herbs speaks volumes about their usefulness and sacred nature. This herb, in particular, is one of the most sought after on the planet, with global demand often exceeding…

12 Ancient Medicinal Herbs to Increase Energy, Strength and Vitality
HJ: The beauty of herbs is that they support the body’s healing process and ultimately work to restore balance. When used properly, they don’t mask symptoms, but instigate healing at the root level…

A Complete Guide to Healing and Nourishing Your Brain With Whole Foods
HJ: There is nothing more misunderstood than food. And yet, therein lies one of the keys to radiant health and wellness. Our health is a combination of the beliefs we have about ourselves,…