The 12 Laws of Gratitude: Keys to Living a Wildly Prosperous, Happy Life
HJ: Gratitude and appreciate connect you with your innate ability to create happiness and prosperity in your life. They shift you into a perceptual frame where you see the beauty, good and abundance…

How to Transform any Frustration or Challenge Into a Powerful State of Gratitude
HJ: Life is always trying to move us squarely towards what we want and need and challenges are an integral part of that journey. And, in fact, when we transform how we see and…

15 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude, Happiness and Joy in Your Life
HJ: When you strip away all the bullshit we tend to believe that is just not true, this life is pretty freaking incredible. Everywhere around us there are thousands upon thousands of miracles…

4 Ways to Deepen Your Gratitude and Open Yourself Up to More Happiness and Abundance
HJ: Happiness, abundance, peace of mind, appreciation and joy are just a few of the benefits of an authentic gratitude practice. And this is quite enticing, but it is important to always practice…

How to Grow Your Gratitude Into a Powerful Force for Positivity in Your Life
HJ: Gratitude is one of the most powerful keys to happiness and abundance in your life. Those who master the practice with authenticity and feeling often discover transformation beyond their wildest dreams. Combined…

20 Profound Things to Be Grateful For (That Will Change Your Life if You Let Them)
HJ: Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotional tools we have in our arsenal as creator beings. Simply because what you resonate with you attract more of into your life. Emotions are…

How to Properly Harness the Power of Gratitude For Improving Your Life
HJ: The power of gratitude cannot be overstated. Quite simply, it attracts to you that which you value and love. This wonderful article by the wise Steve Pavlina will help you better understand…

How to Make Your Gratitude Practice 10x More Powerful With One Simple Little Tweak
HJ: Gratitude is a powerful emotional state that can significantly improve your quality of life by helping you tap into a state of mind that is free from many of the self-limiting beliefs we…

How Gratitude Can Help You Sail Through Hard Times
HJ: Practicing gratitude honestly will reframe seemingly negative situations or challenges into opportunities for growth and greater awareness of the self. It really is all about perspective. We can choose to view a…

9 Secrets to Harnessing the Power of Gratitude in Your Life
HJ: If I had to pick the top 3 practices that have changed my life beyond measure, the consistent application of Gratitude would be one of them. Quite simply, harnessing the power of…