Living in the Flow: How to Let Go and Start Inviting Unlimited Possibility into Your Life
HJ: When we live in the flow, we let go of how we think life should be and invite the unlimited possibility of the moment into our life. If we are attached to how…

How to Slip into the Flow and Get Life to Finally Start Going Your Way
HJ: Until we learn better, I think we all have this tendency to kind of resist the parts of life that we don’t like, and yet, it is this very tendency that keeps…

How to Create Heart-Centered Prosperity and Abundance in Your Life
HJ: True abundance and prosperity comes from aligning yourself with the urges of your heart. Many who are financially rich are love and spirit poor, to be clear. Abundance is the natural state…

7 Powerful Ways to Amplify Your Intuitive Abilities
HJ: Intuition is the language of the soul, to which we have constant access should we desire. But unlike our spoken languages, we are not taught to communicate with ourselves in school. Some…

How to Align Yourself With the Flow of Prosperity and Abundance
HJ: Prosperity and abundance happen naturally as a byproduct of aligning ourselves with the flow of the universe. That means trusting ourselves, our intuition and the direction we are being led in life. In…

How to Find and Stay in the Flow
HJ: When we learn to go with the flow, life becomes effortless. What you need comes into your life at the perfect timing, not a moment sooner or later. However, the caveat is…

How to Find Happiness, No Matter What
HJ: In order to find happiness no matter what, you must be willing embrace the journey that is life. Life does not go according to plan — it goes according to what will…

Archangel Gabriel: Stay in the Flow Through Balance & Surrender
Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young trinityesoterics.wordpress.com Greetings, Dear Ones, as always we are pleased and honored to be in your presence today. We wish to speak to you today on the importance…