SaLuSa: NESARA, Disclosure and Mother Earth
Healers Journal Note: While Laura Tyco is usually an excellent channel, I believe this message to be contradictory to the current wisdom and foresight being espoused by Archangels, Ascended Masters, and various other…

Tse-Bo-Rah: On Your Awakening
Tse-Bo-Rah via Ute http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/10/message-from-realm-of-tse-bo-rah-5.html Listen to this message on YouTube We are the Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, seeding earth and humanity with the light of ascension. Dearest Ones, Blessings, Blessings!…

El Morya: Creating the New Earth (Part 1)
El Morya via Suzane Caroll, Ph.D Introduction by El Morya Many of our earth masters are feeling the pull of New Earth for you are, in deed, moving into a frequency of reality…