How to Tell if You Are Intuitively Connected to the Earth (and Why You Need to Know)
HJ: In highly evolved ancient societies and tribes, a strong connection to the Earth was considered one of the most important things you could possibly cultivate in life, although we seem to have…

Crystal People of Inner Earth: The Crystalline Matrix of Your Universe
Crystal People of Inner Earth via Dianne Robbins http://www.paoweb.com “We Hold the Crystalline Matrix of your Universe.”Greetings our dear sister on Earth. We are the Crystal People here again with you as you…

Melchizedek: The Need for Staying Grounded
Melchizedek via Marlene Swetlishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com December 6, 2011 Beloved Ones, In this discourse I wish to bring to your attention the need to stay grounded each day. Work at developing a very strong…

The Earth Has a Heartbeat We Can See from Space
Esther Inglis-Arkell, Io9.com, 12-1-12 http://io9.com/5863588/the-earth-has-a-heartbeat-we-can-see-from-space The Earth pulses with a special kind of resonant wave. The Schumann Resonance has long been dubbed ‘the Earth’s heartbeat,’ and it has only been spotted from below….

Pleiadians: We Are With You; Know You Are Looked After
Pleiadians via Greg Giles http://www.ascension2012.blogspot.com Initiatory groups first came to Earth many eons ago. Their goal was to implement a better ecological surface world for all life forms. Many other worlds soon joined in…

Archangel Gabriel: Weekly Message December 1st, 2011
Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com December 1, 2011 Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse on the quality of love known as consciousness. This quality brings forth the power and will…

The Group: New Earth Angels
The Group via Steve Rother http://lightworker.com/beacons/2011/2011_11-RoomForYourLight.php From Steve: In this message the group talked about a special kind of person that they called Earth Angel. They say that these people come in…

SaLuSa: 11-11-11 Approaches Rapidly; Upliftment Awaits
SaLuSa via Laura Tyco http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/2011/11/salusa-to-me-8-nov-2011-towards-111111.html Events continue to move on at a faster pace than previously, and the world looks on at the decline in Europe that will have far-reaching implications. The problem…

Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy: Our Allies Are in Place For the Transformation
Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/sn110811.htm Dratzo! We return! Your world is moving ever deeper into transformation. A wide range of activities to bring about change are making headway, despite…

Horus: You Are to Meet Your Inner Earth Family Shortly
Horus via Nancy Tate http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/Wakeup%20Call/MWmesages/November2011/Horus11-02-11.htm It is a time for all of you dear ones on earth to wake up and realize that you are not alone. I say this is a deeper…