"awareness" tag

7 Simple But Powerful Shifts to Help You Achieve Your Dreams

HJ: There is but one purpose in this life: to give yourself fully to your dreams with all of your heart.  And of course, to remove all obstacles preventing you from doing so….


Transcendent Sexuality: Accessing Higher States of Consciousness Through Sex

HJ: Sex has long been used by many traditions as a doorway to higher consciousness.  And when approached with awareness and intention vs simply a vehicle for passions, it can be a profoundly…


Feeling Great: How to Create a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm and Contentment

HJ: What you choose to believe creates your reality and so why not choose optimism?  Why expect negativity and destruction and hardship?  You’re certainly entitled to create that if you’d like and yes many…


How to Expand Your Awareness into the Realms of Enlightenment

HJ: Few things are as misunderstood in our society as enlightenment.  Mysterious, nebulous, difficult to attain or comprehend, just to name a few of the ideas commonly associated with it.  In this article by…


How to Transcend Time and the Ego in Advanced States of Consciousness

HJ: Since you create your perception of time, you can change it and even transcend it.  Brilliant researcher and professor Steve Taylor dives into the various ways to achieve this by working with…


How to Access the Wisdom of Your Infinite Self

HJ: You are infinite.  You are powerful beyond measure.  You are an aspect of the divine in human form and as soon you as realize and embrace this fully to the depths of…


The 7 Keys to Interpreting Your Dreams

HJ: In every sense, your dreams are just as real as your waking reality.  However, dreams take place on a higher plane — the astral plane, where the normal laws and rules of…

10 Things to Let Go of That Will Make You Happier and Freer

HJ: Sometimes it’s not about creating happiness, it’s really just about removing everything that’s blocking our natural, organic happiness shinning from within.  Often times we already have what we seek but because we…


How to Harness the Incredible Healing Power of Silence

HJ: Life is about balance.  And therefore most of us are far more in need of silence than we are of more talking.  Talking is giving energy, silence is receiving energy.  Silence is…


How to Master the Art of Manifesting From a Higher Level of Consciousness

HJ: You are constantly manifesting whether you are aware of it or not.  However, by becoming consciously aware of that fact and the mechanics behind it, you can begin to take control of…

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