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Due to the large volume of email we receive, it may takes us a few days to respond to your enquiry. Rest assured that we do read every email that we receive.
The Healers Journal © 2025 All Rights Reserved
June 4, 2013
I like what I read, I want to learn more.
cesar martinez
June 5, 2013
Hello, Namaskaras Kavirajas:
i´m a yoga activist, antropologist, author of Identity doctrine, is a honour to meet you a same feather birds, I live in Perú.
Looking for info about ‘Laws of Chaos’ is by which i met you.
In the substrata of every human collective or organized group there is always hidden a political interest or motivation. ‘jivo jivasya jivanam’.
To what branch of yoga school do you belog?
Human or reptilian?
Are you reliant with NWO and microchip?
according your conception who is Krsna and Shiva?
What is the svarupa-siddhi of jiva?
June 6, 2013
Interesting questions Cesar, but maybe you could clarify a little…
Larry Prescott
August 21, 2013
What loaded questions and assumptions here. Understand a possible challenge in miscommunication due to a language difference but this goes way beyond that. Would have been interested in how he responded to your request for clarification. My guess he did not respond at all.
July 1, 2014
You seem to have a lot of interesting articles.
The only problem is that your website is sooo bloody frustrating.
Unreal, you try to read an articel and it freezes everytime the whole pc.
So whatever good stuff you have, it does not compensate for the frustration… you do not see me back again
too negative……..
June 9, 2013
I have this habit of having one meal a day which is a good and a healthy vegetarian dinner. I am a type of a person who is always healthy and never needs a doctor. I include mind power exercises along with physical exercises daily. I know I am UNIQUE. I would like to include Hydrilla to my daily regime.
My reason for writing to you is to ask you if I can just rely on Hydrilla without any other additional food.
Expecting an early reply
Thank you,
Ravi Pandian
June 13, 2013
Hi Ravi,
I have responded to you via E-mail.
In Gratitude,
Anna Helen Foster
June 19, 2013
I have the exact same question about Hydrilla Super Food as Ravi does. Is it compete in and of itself? I’ve been looking for something like that.
Anna Helen
June 20, 2013
Hi Anna,
I replied to your comment via email.
Larry H
June 13, 2013
tried to buy the DNA activation mp3 but you only take PayPal? Dont have a PayPal account. Prefer to use credit or debit card. Anyway was going to buy. Just FYI
June 13, 2013
Hi Larry,
At the moment, we only accept Paypal. You can still use a credit card to pay with Paypal. It’s really simple — just follow the checkout process like normal and then you will be prompted to enter a credit card at the Paypal screen.
In Gratitude,
June 28, 2013
abhishek sagar
July 3, 2013
I am in a very problem.last saturday my dad got brain hemrage.docter opersted snd nw the are sayin that only 1 or 2% brain is working.please is there any help for my dad that we can heal there mind anyhow…? Please help Me please…
July 3, 2013
Hi Abhishek,
We responded to you via email.
July 28, 2013
Suggestion: Add “disqus” comments to the site – it will dramatically increase the number of comments you get. Having to fill in so many forms discourages users to comment.
I love the site and would love to see more comments.
Larry Prescott
August 3, 2013
Hi Truth,
Appreciate what you provide and try to apply much.
Your intro’s to the authors content is insightful and complimentary.
However as I become acquainted with the myriad of subject matter and authors I find some inaccurate if not just not factual. Sometimes simply the passage of time becomes the validator. Since I respect you, I often wonder if some are presented simply to provoke thought, alternative ideas, and elicit response.
Do you believe all those you present?
Also can you share any information about yourself?
Thanks again my friend.
Don Smalter
August 6, 2013
Electro-magnetic imprint of DNA goes with you in the death transition ?? Multi-life history/experience/forms in Junk DNA ? Scientific evolution through 15 dimensions? Unseen IMPERISHABLE “bodies” in aura? Brain is not the mind! Mind based upon mental (or reasoning) body of aura! Mind goes with you in death ??
Note: I lost both of my parents at their early age of 57. This caused me to launch a part-time fifty year study of “what comes next after death?” Topics I researched were such as the Mother Mary apparitions, a variety of religion beliefs other than my former Catholic, the paranormal, quantum physics, astronomy, biology, genomics, messages from the afterlife, instrumental transcommunication (ITC) via tapes & TV, UFOs, and extraterrestrial messages, trying to find out answers, primarily thru books, science magazines, and websites, obviously with a very open mind.
I was particularly interested in answering this question: How can it be that it is possible to contact afterdeath personalities as if they were still of full mental capability — via paranormal MEDIUMS, or even by special ITC electronic communications, as has been demonstrated repeatedly? As a retired engineer/executive, I needed to understand exactly HOW “mechanically”or structurally this could be possible. I FOUND THE ANSWER: Electromagnetic/energetic version of DNA — and unseen IMPERISHABLE body aura containing the mind — go with you in death transition!!
Two books in particular provided key answers, and both were most believable due to being very comprehensive and “scientific” though not related to much of Christian/Judeo training. Below I have compiled short summaries and excerpts for your possible interest. Also, a short list of books that reinforced these two. I hope you will keep an open mind in reading them. An old Chinese proverb states: “A mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it is OPEN.”
To summarize the first book, a lengthy dictation by a benevolent extraterrestrial group Guardian Alliance, it teaches SCIENTIFIC EVOLVMENT: 1) Your electro-magnetic or energetic version of DNA goes with you in the death transition. 2) you will reincarnate repeatedly and the JUNK DNA holds your personal multi-life history and experience. 3) Your consciousness will next progress eventually through fifteen dimensions toward “nirvana”perfection, currently being in the third. All other dimensions are unseen and have different vibrational frequencies and atomic configurations. 4) After incarnation as Buddha, Christ came to us as a teacher from the twelfth or higher dimension. 5) God is the Universe Prime Creator/Force/Source, and not the god Yahweh of the Old Testament who was an Ancient Astronaut to Earth.
As dictated by Ascended Masters, key messages in the second book were: 1) There are other unseen IMPERISHABLE “bodies” around the physical one in an aura (Note: As seen by Kirlian/GDV photography, see Wikipedia re: the paranormal aura). Key bodies are the astral, the mental (or reasoning), the etheric, among several others. 2) The brain is not the mind. The mental body is the basis/source of the mind. 3) All these “bodies” go with you in the death transition, especially including the mind. 4) In the next step, all these bodies and DNA will proceed with you into the astral plane or dimension. 5) do not fear death as it is merely a transition to another “form”.
See the more detailed excerpts below. Also, a short list of other reinforcing books. To me, these were “startling” concepts, but comforting in their believability as they “fit” based on other related research.
There does need to be more scientific research especially on 1) electromagnetic/energetic & biophotonic properties of DNA, and 2) functions of the aura(or bio-energy field)! Russian and German scientific researchers are “on track” to one day scientifically prove life continues after death. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and son Jurgen at University of Marburg, Germany continue early work on electromagnetic aspects/versions of DNA and cell biophotonics as members of the Int’l Institute of Biophysics, and among others, Dr. Peter Geriaev in Russia with a breakthrough in biophotonic electromagnetic DNA termed Wave Genetics or bioholography. And, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Director at the St. Petersburg State Tech University, who concentrates on aura (or bio-energy field) research as Founder/President of the Int’l Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, has actually produced early Kirlian/GDV photographs which may be of the “soul” or aura leaving dying human bodies. Unfortunately, American research on these two “niches” is relatively modest.
PS: Pass this along if you are so inclined
Book #1. Source: “Voyagers” Volumes I & II — by Ashayana Deane(Anna Hayes) For details see Chapters on Ascension Mechanics & DNA. Available from, Volume I and 2nd Edition Vol. II 583 pages. Purchase strongly recommended.
“At the death of the physical body, you will discover that your consciousness lives on and your evolution continues.
“Ascension is not some lofty spiritual concept designed by the minds of man, it is the literal, tangible scientific process of the evolution of consciousness and biology with the laws of energy mechanics that apply to a multidimensional reality system. All souls will eventually evolve and ascend through a 15 dimensional scale to re-emerge as sentient identity within realms of pure consciousness beyond the dimensional systems. Whether or not you view ascension and multidimensional evolution as a reality while you are alive on Earth, you will be directly faced with that reality once your consciousness has passed out of physical life and into the multidimensional framework. How well you prepare for that discovery now will determine the ease with which you are able to take your next evolutionary step once you “wake up on the other side”
“The term “Ascension” represents much more than some lofty spiritual concept invented by the finite human psyche in order to give purpose to its finite existence. Many in the earthly scientific communities believe that life is limited to the physical expression and that consciousness is the result of the body’s biochemical/neuro-electrical functions. Following these erroneous beliefs they draw an equally erroneous conclusion that consciousness ends at the death of the physical body. Consequently, human science will be confronted with a whole new order of multidimensional reality and a whole new science.
“The process of ascension is not some quasi-religious concept based upon the meandering of the human mind. Ascension is instead a highly SCIENTIFIC process that represents the universal order through which consciousness experiences itself as being. Ascension also involves the understanding of morphogenetic fields or the form holding energy constructions that allow matter to build into individuated forms. Ascension therefore is a science with specific mechanics that allow for the evolution of consciousness from simple to more complex forms. Every being in existence is involved in this evolutionary process and applies to each and every one of you. The choices one makes in thought and deed will determine the quality of experience, or lack thereof, that will be personally encountered.
“DNA is built upon minute electro-tonal (i.e., multi octave) patterns of multidimensional frequency and the energetic imprint of the DNA goes with you in the death transition. The content of that pattern will determine how high your consciousness will be able to travel (progress) in the system once it is released from the body. Whatever frequencies are contained within that imprint will determine the specific dimensional placement after death.
“This “system” blueprint has called your races forward toward an unseen destiny which is the return of immortality and the (eventual) reunion of the consciousness of man with its Prime Creative Source. In terms of the soul’s perspective, the challenges and hardships faced along the way in Earth life are understood to be lessons in growth as human consciousness evolves to remember the truth of its eternal existence and embrace the beauty of its multidimensional identity. From the perspective of a human consciousness focused within a physical body on Earth, those challenges can seem, at times, overwhelming. Without consciousness recognition of the purposes, processes and objectives of the evolutionary plan, the hardships can appear to be unbearable and without meaning.
“All human souls are involved with the exact same process of evolving the genetic “package” and the consciousness to higher dimensional levels; some souls are just further along in this journey. This is a process by which the life forms evolve through matter particles and anti-particles upward through the 15 dimensional scale, from dense matter solidity to pure, non-mattered-based conscious energy substance.
“All dimensions exist in the same space, but seem to operate separately due to the particle pulsation rates of which they are composed. The degree of angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90 degrees from one dimension to the next while remaining invisible to each other. In the universe there are 15 primary dimensional bands. Dimensional frequency bands group in sets of 3 and each set of three dimensions represents a Harmonic Universe. Thus there are five Harmonic Universes within one (overall) dimensional Universe. The degree of angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90 degrees from one dimension to the next within one Harmonic Universe. In each Harmonic Universe containing three dimensions, there are two 90 degree shifts of the angular rotation of spin between particles. Between one Harmonic Universe and the next there is a 45 degree reverse angular rotation of particle spin. This 45 degree reverse angular rotation of particle spin creates a Magnetic Repulsion Zone, or void between Harmonic Universes, which keeps the reality fields contained there within separated from each other. Through this structure of relative angular rotations of particle spin, the holographic illusions of multidimensional reality, matter, time, space, movement and individuation of form are perpetually created and sustained. Entities existing below the 7th dimension possess physical biological forms. Dimensions 7 through 9 possess the etheric matter form.
“These multidimensional electromagnetic fields are collectively referred to as the bio-energetic system or the aura field of a manifest form. The aura field has seven primary inner layers (i.e., bodies) which correspond to dimensional frequency bands 1 through 7. The aura field also has seven outer layers which represent the form-holding MORPHOGENETIC imprints for the seven inner layers of the aura field. The morphogenetic imprint holds the instructions and design for form-building in a type of digital or electronic encoding. The seven outer layers correspond to dimensional frequency bands 9 through 15.
“The perceptions of your present races are focused within the middle range of the third dimension. In order for humanity to evolve into higher dimensional fields, the frequency patterns of dimensions four, five and six must be brought into manifest expression with the energetic grid of Earth. The frequencies or sound-tones must also become operational within the active DNA strands. The energetic imprint of the DNA is carried with the personal morphogenetic field and consciousness after physical death of the body. (Note: Morphogenetic fields are the form holding patterns through which matter forms. Rupert Sheldrake postulated on their existence, but proposed no physical mechanism.) Whatever frequencies are contained with that imprint will determine the dimensional placement of the consciousness after death. The ultimate success of DNA* building lies in the hands of the embodied consciousness who personally directs the process by the way in which personal energy is used and applied.
*Note 1: Our current scientific community is thoroughly confused about the multiple strands of DNA, declaring only a few as having a known usage – and calling the remainder “junk DNA.” Over 98% of DNA has an unknown function! However, if it were junk, the sequence of the “syllables” i.e., the nucleotides in DNA, should be completely random. In fact, they are not random at all, and current scientists now believe that this DNA contains some kind of code with function completely unknown or undetermined.
“(At death), you will move your consciousness through a dark tunnel, with a bright light at its end, the same effect as in a Near-Death-Experience (Note: the subject of much book investigative reporting).
“Multiple reincarnational** identities represent portions of a person’s soul awareness evolving. To the soul-self identity, the immediate incarnates in its incarnational family are recognized as living sub-personality fragments of its own identity whose reality simultaneously takes place with the dimensional bands contained within the soul-self’s DNA. The DNA represents electro-magnetically encoded digital imprints of the other living portions of your identity.
**Note 2: Reincarnation occurs only in the first Harmonic Universe. “You reincarnate into multiple forms and situations because one lifetime is in no way sufficient time, nor does it offer sufficient exposures to enough diverse situations to give the fragment-spirit the understanding necessary. The best way to learn about poverty, or being rich, or being helpless, or being powerful, or being female, or being male is by experiencing lifetimes in such circumstances.” Book source: Andareon Theory communication.
“Consciousness and matter are both composed of these units of electro-tonal energy and so both spiritual and scientific mastery are brought together through the applied knowledge of electro-tonal energy dynamics. For the smallest units of energy in the cosmos you could find 800 billion billion units in an average 3 dimensional photon. They represent the “divine substance” out of which the cosmos is composed.
“There is an organizational intelligence and sentient creative force of vast proportion that is responsible for the design and creation of the cosmos, i.e., the Central Creative Force you call God***. Members of the benevolent Guardian Alliance (Note: who communicated this book) are beings from higher reality fields, dimensions ten through fifteen, who have evolved beyond the manifestation of biology, physical and etheric matter substance into states of conscious pre-matter form who appear as forms of light when they enter your system**** or, occasionally take on the appearance of biological forms in order to interact with Earth life, for example: Jesus from the 12th dimension.
***Note 3: The GOD of the Old Testament Yahweh was an Ancient Astronaut as demonstrated by the Jewish-American scholar Zecharia Sitchin who authored multiple books based on historical Middle Eastern archeological hieroglyphic interpretations.
****Note 4: The above afterlife “system” description is supported in the website which contains details on souls, reincarnation, DNA and dimensions (density), particularly Dimension Four.
Book #2. “The Treasure of El Dorado” Chapter 7. The Bodies of Man. EXCERPTS from dictated communications by Ascended Masters. Joseph Whitfield 213 pages. Available through
“The value of the TREASURE is literally priceless since it could not be purchased with all the material wealth of all worlds. The asset is the SECRET OF OVERCOMING DEATH.
“Few indeed are aware of the totality of their being. Existing within and around the physical bodies are IMPERISHABLE bodies. These other bodies interpenetrate the physical body as well as extend beyond it. The various bodies which constitute the total potential of all developing human beings are: the physical matter body, the astral (antimatter) body, the etheric (Christ) body, the mental body and the emotional body. It is these other bodies that constitute the phenomenon referred to as an aura (NOTE: Which has been proven to exist by special photographic techniques, see Wikipedia aura paranormal). The reason that the aura is not readily seen by most people is that its range of vibration renders it invisible to the physical eye. One’s CONSCIOUSNESS and other higher faculties reside in this “spiritual” (frequency existing) body and are INDESTRUCTIBLE.
“WHEN PHYSICAL DEATH OCCURS, THESE OTHER BODIES LEAVE THE PHYSICAL BODY AS A UNIT AND BECOME THE OPERABLE VEHICLE THROUGH WHICH THE CONSCIOUSNESS CONTINUES TO FUNCTION IN OTHER DIMENSIONS! While one is no longer physically incarnated, the astral body houses the other bodies after the transition called death. Unlike the physical body, however, the astral body is inviolable, (i.e.,incorruptible).
“Let us examine some of the functions which the various aspects of the astral body serve while one is physically incarnated. The subconscious is the mechanism which performs those vital functions that produce automatic actions and reactions on the physical level. Examples of this would be breathing, beating of the heart, blinking of the eyelids, digesting, etc. It is the subconscious which permits the formation of habits and which must be reprogrammed in order to break habits and existing beliefs. The subconscious however does not have the capacity for rational thought. Everything that is recorded in the brain is also recorded in the subconscious. The subconscious contains total memory information FROM ALL PREVIOUS LIVES AND EXPERIENCES (as recorded in the energetic DNA).
“The brain is the memory bank while physically incarnated. The subconscious mind is the memory bank for your total experiences. Whatever is recorded in the brain is recorded automatically in the subconscious as well.
“Consider that quality of the astral body that is called soul. Think of a cassette tape (i.e., the energetic DNA). When the tape is blank, it can be said to contain no soul. Now fill it with recordings. What we have done is to impart attributes to a previously empty cassette. We have thus CREATED SOUL. When the life ends, the tape (i.e., the surviving energetic DNA) is filled with that essence called SOUL. Within the total soul are many completed “tapes” containing the records of all incarnational experiences. The completed “tapes” form the memory bank, or the akashic record of each individual being. Whatever information is contained (from past lives), whether it be good or evil, true or false, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, can and does influence your well-being in your present life. This is why many people go through lifetime after lifetime making the same mistakes over and over again. In summary, the subconscious and the soul lack discernment. They cannot reason.
“The conscious part of your mental body provides you with the powers of thinking. Thinking is the capacity to discern, reason, rationalize, to exercise self-discipline, to deduce, to employ logic, to analyze, inquire, synthesize, judge, investigate, observe, etc. THE BRAIN IS NOT THE MIND. It is one of the instruments that the mind uses while you are manifested in the physical planes (dimensions) of expression. The mental body has three distinct parts or levels: the conscious, the subconscious, and the superconscious. A primary function of the mind or mental body is to produce awareness, an incredible tool in the development of potential. As a component of the mental body, the subconscious has the ability and the capacity to record all sensual, mental, and emotional, and spiritual experiences and to “play back” this information, functioning like a tape recorder (i.e. the DNA).
“The etheric (or Christ) body has been described by enlightened writers. Often referred to as the light body due to the effect produced in the atomic structure of this body by the speed of the electron movement within the atoms which equals or exceeds the speed of light. Achieving the status of etheric (or Christhood) confers upon the recipient many powers not found in the lesser bodies. Jesus represents the best example in history. Among the powers he was known to have demonstrated were: bilocation, levitation, materialization, healing, etc. Jesus constantly reminded his followers that they could do all of these and even greater things.
“When one achieves the full etheric (or Christ) vibration, then death will no longer have dominion over him. It gives him the power to alter his vibrations at will, and thus he can freely travel through the physical, astral and etheric vibrations.
“It is the emotional body that gives you a feeling nature, i.e., that produces the capacity for experiencing all levels of emotion such as joy and sorrow, love and hate, compassion and malevolence, ecstacy and depression, pleasure and pain, excitement and indifference. The emotional capacity is experienced on all levels of expression.
“The superconscious is the functioning mind of the etheric or Christ self. What is required is that man of earth become aware of the existence of the incredible power of the superconscious mind and desire its attainment. To give you some idea of the scope of the superconscious mind, think of a rating scale numbered from 1 to 10 as representing the range of man’s conscious mind in Earth. Then classify the most outstanding geniuses of Earth history using 10 as the ultimate that is attainable. You will find that such men as Einstein, Swedenborg, Whitman, etc., would be rated from perhaps 7 through 9. By comparison, a pure state of superconsciousness would range into the hundreds or thousands. It is quite easy to conclude from this, is it not, that the means exist to literally transform Earth into a paradise by educating mankind as to its potential.
“These bodies constitute man’s potential as he continues to evolve within the “system.” Each aspect of our total self is indispensable to the function and purpose of our total being.
Zetatalk by Nancy Lieder, Granet Publishing, dictated by benevolent extraterrestrials
also see website, Section Density, i.e. Dimensions
***An Ascension Handbook by Tony Stubbs, Oughten House Pub’g, channeled from Serapis Bey
The Science of the Soul by Robert Siblerud, Sacred Science Publishers
The Infinite MIND by Valerie V. Hunt: The Science of Human Vibrations of Consciousness, Malibu Publishing
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, Harper Perennial Oneness – the Teachings by Rasha, Jodere Group Inc.
***Andareon Theory by Robert Gidel, Andareon Foundation Press, dictated by Andar Group
After We Die, What Then by George Meek, electronics engineer, Ariel Press
A Lawyer Presents the Case for Afterlife, by Victor Zammit, Gammell Pty, Ltd.,Australia
also see website
Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophecy by G. Cope Schellhorn, Horus House Press ***The Yahweh Encounters – Controversial Bible Interpretation, by Ann Madden Jones
Extraterrestrial Contact – the Evidence and Implications by Steven Greer, Cross Point Publishers
Gods, Genes & Consciousness – Nonhuman Interventiion in Human History
by Paul Von Ward, Hampton Roads A Seth Reader, by Richard Roberts, Vernal Equinox Press The Only ***Planet of Choice, by Phyllis Schlemmer, Gateway Books, Bath, UK Vibrational Medicine, by Richard Gerber, Chapters 1 & 4, Bear & Co. Life After Life by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Backbone Publishing Miracles of the Storm – Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC), by Mark Macy See website: World Abduction to the 9th Planet, by Michel Desmarquet, Arafura Publishing, Australia
Andrea Rice
April 27, 2019
Thank you for the knowledge that you have given me! I to have been on a search for as much knowledge as possible in self examination. Including Astrology college, numerology, the ego, spirituality and so much more. Knowledge is an obsession I am overjoyed to have bestowed upon me after 35 years and being repulsed by the thought of reading! There is so much to learn and open our eyes too… I appreciate your scientific aspects you have given me!!
August 6, 2013
On April 7, 2013, I paid for a cd or a download of soul defragmentation, Item #SDF001, with payment sent I have not received either. We got a new postmaster in Graton, and I believe she sent copy back to you, or it was not sent to pobox.. Could you please check into this. I paid thru PayPal. Thank you for your time, again.
Svetlana Simkina
August 14, 2013
Hello Truth, How are you? My name is Svetlana Simkina, I am a professional Energy Healer working by Galina Dymkova’s method, offers help to get rid of physical and emotional pain. It’s a pain free technique that is safe, natural and effective.
Relieve Physical Pain, Illness, Discomfort, etc.
Relieve Emotional pain, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, etc.
Release negative emotions and past trauma
Increase energy, your self esteem and confidence
Bring the body into complete balance, peace & harmony
Create deep relaxation
Regain a positive outlook and attitude towards life
I offer Healing sessions:
In my office in Chicago or a distant healing from anywhere in the world. It’s a proven, convenient way to receive a healing.
My question is how to place article in your magazine? Thanks a lot!!
With light and love,
Svetlana Simkina
August 31, 2013
I have been lead to this site often – each time by Archangel Michael. The “Universal Laws” series ended Sept 2012? Archangel Michael has guided to study these laws. I have studied what is available on the site. But, there are 74 laws? Thank you, and blessings
Teza Zialcita
September 1, 2013
To whom it may concern, I’m a spiritual writer and a Akashic Records healer and would like to submit one of my writings. Please email me for the follow up and thank you for your consideration.
September 7, 2013
thank you for this website – what you do has helped me tremendously – as soon as my manifestation work materializes is will make a donation, because this website must be kept going – oftentimes i think you guys know me, because you post exactly what i need to know for that day – thank you deeply
September 22, 2013
A beautiful resource. Great work. Very much appreciating the depth.
An Infinite Being
October 5, 2013
I have recently stumbled upon this beautiful website and I just felt the need to comment somewhere to just say thank you very much!
Please continue to write such amazing articles which are a delight to read.
Very inspiring.
Thank you.
October 22, 2013
Do you have anyone who might be interested in the tech that the ancients used to generate power? I have a working model. One powerful enough to vaporize metal.. and run an arc… not a toy. Built from my own interpretation of nature, ancient “runes” .. and other archeological evidence. It uses “St. Elmo’s Fire” and ball lightning as the energy source. Tapping it is a natural phenomenon. I’m currently doing testing as a power source for my home.
Kathleen Agena
December 11, 2013
I wanted to order three of the meditations you have for sale and clicked on them to have them added to the cart, but I could not find a link to Paypal or some other way to pay you.
Please advise as soon as you can. I am eager to try these.
December 11, 2013
Hi Kathleen,
We have responded to you via email.
Thank you,
Jeffrey Negron
December 11, 2013
please be advised pI received payment confirmation from paypal for order # 7NN44791SB338760T.I overlooked the download info so can you please send me the download Pineal Gland Activation.Thank you
December 11, 2013
Hi Jeffrey,
We have responded to you via email.
Thank you,
Tony Mackenzie
December 12, 2013
press release
Pineal and DNA support with telomere maintenance properties launched in UK for worldwide delivery
35 years of Russian research into short chain peptides announced in Britain from anti aging research club offering free membership
A transdermal spray containing a peptide with 35 years of scientific anti aging research behind it is now available worldwide from a Britsh anti aging research club called the Mackenzie Protocol
All the research suggests that it has anti aging properties through its effect on telomeres and the pineal gland but is also reputed to help support mitochondria and DNA.
The product is announced at a new website at
The name of the product Ajna Spray was coined from ayurvedic beliefs in the “third eye” but science is now discovering the connection between this and the pineal gland.
The research into the peptde now suggests that it has a more efficient effect on telomeres than cycloastragenol products that have been previously marketed for the last few years for the same reason but Mackenzie Protocol will eventually be offering both products as a complementary protocol together with telomere length test kits carried out at home from simple saliva tests.
As a members club the Mackenzie Protocol members club does not sell to the general public but anyone with a genuine interest in the latest cutting edge science of anti aging can join free and take advantage of their products and services as a a co-researcher.
They are already affiliated to a number of anti aging and health freedom associations including the British longevity Society.
Jeffrey Negron
December 15, 2013
I did receive the download link for pineal activation but it I can’t open it???I am using a mac desktop.Am I missing something?Thank You
January 18, 2014
I love what i read about the DNA activation MP3. The only thing is it says do not listen with EMF’S on… Computer/phone…. But how does one do that without a Cd available?
January 20, 2014
For the last 2months (almost) i have been on a decalcifacation binge( gamma wave binaural+meditation+yogic breathing+garlic and lemon juice shake) and i started feeling serious headaches and iritations in the nasal cavity.Is this normal?
February 8, 2014
Just wanted to inquire why the entry on the 6 Heart Virtues did not give credit to its source the WingMakers Material?
February 9, 2014
Hi Mary,
Occasionally there is an oversight and we are going to fix that right now. Thanks for pointing it out to us!
February 10, 2014
Dear editor. I hope you will accept my request. I want to be a reader of your journal regularly and i have a big interested by your journal . If you say ok please send me your journal by my post addres . I hope you will send me soon your journal and i am waiting your journal very soon . Thank you. .my post addres is, ABEBE AYALEW, POBOX, 1109 DESSIE, WOLLO, ETHIOPIA,
Florence Silverstein
March 6, 2014
I paid $9.99 for the Gamma sound waves. Since I am a new member I was suppose to get a 20% discount which did not show up when I checked out.
The download did not go through after my payment.
Dhyan Story
March 26, 2014
Pineal Gland Activation Sound Healing
Instant MP3 Download
(Runtime 34:21)
I do not use MP3. Is this the only way to get the “activation sound”?
April 10, 2014
Thank you for your articles. Such a motivation and inspiration!
April 16, 2014
Is it possible to get the soul defragmentation in a physical cd.
May 10, 2014
I really like and believe in your website, I came across it last night as I wanted to find out more about melatonin. I am currently studying health and human science and need to complete a case study report. The more I learn the easier I hope I will it will be to write the case study. I just want to say after reading the article Everything you want to know about melatonin. I was very impressed and surprised at the depth of knowledge given and for free.
So thank you.
I have told my daughter about your site also as she is interested in chakra healing.
I will be regular visitor to your site.
Florence Silverstein
May 15, 2014
Hi Shaz,
I would be glad to help your daughter with Charka Healing.
July 2, 2014
concerning the activation of pineal gland through gamma brain waves (bineural beats)isit effective for those who can not hear in their right ear,they hear mainly with their left ear since it is functioning normaly .the right ear has damage in nerve endings .
August 8, 2014
I would like to join your mailing list
Not Applicable
August 25, 2014
Hi there, I’m reaching out to everyone who might be able to help me!
My names Jamie and I’m just a typical girl from the UK just trying to break into the web development industry and help people buying their home more easy.
When I finally found my dream home I was more excited than I can put into words. However when the reality hit of just how much money I’d need to save for my house deposit and also how complicated getting a mortgage can be I really was overwhelmed.
So I started my learning HTML/CSS/JavaScript to help build easy to use (non-scary!) mortgage tools. Along the way I realised I loved coding and now hopefully I’m going to turn it into a career.
So if you would, please take a look at my website and share it with your website visitors, friends or just anyone if you think they may find it useful and you want to help a girl make it in this male dominated industry of web development!
Finally I always try and offer something of value to anyone I ask something from so I’d be happy to give you a shout out to my many twitter (5,000 ish) followers in return. My user name is UKmortgagecalc, haven’t figured out how to get it on my website yet! Another possibility…I do a review of your product or service.
I’ve also had a quick look at the SEO on your homepage and have a few suggestions, obviously feel free to ignore these though!
There is no h1 header tag on your homepage. I would advise adding one.
Please let me know your thoughts
So many thanks,
Kendra Roser
November 11, 2014
Aloha, I am wondering if you can help me with trying to figure out if my experiences have a name so I can get a better understanding of what it is and if it can be controlled. I have been experiencing whenever I am in meditative states or resting(eg it can be while my eyes are closed at the dentist). I see scenes of places like I am walking in anothers body or I am watching scenes from others lives. i can never hear any sound. It can be completely mundane activities and it is never anyone or place that looks familiar to me. I cant make it stop unless i open my eyes and sometimes until it runs its course, it will keep playing until it just stops. I have tried looking up any other similar types of experiences and so far, I have come up with nothing. If you have any ideas or answers, I would be so grateful. Much aloha, Kendra
December 22, 2014
First I want to tell you that I love this site, and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge.
Please tell me what insight you may have on this… I am for two years now developing a serious sensitivity to sunlight … among all the other symptoms, I get weak and pretty much paralyzed in the daytime. At night i can move around easier, but in general it has gone downhill to the point that even at niglht anymore i need a wheelchair and my husband still has to push me in the wheelchair. And, its even beginning to iritate my eyes now, it didnt do that before. I must keep shades down and curtains closed all day, unless it is a cloudy day. Do you lhave any ixeas about this at all? Ill listen to any idea. Thank you.
January 5, 2015
please cancel my subscription to this website as from today, thanks.
March 2, 2017
Hi all,
Thank you for the wonderful information you share! I am an awakened one — albeit circumstances have trapped me as an office dweller in Shanghai, the overly crowded soul-less industrial center of China, the toxin nexus of the world haha. (Forgive me for the negativity
I tend to think of my daily life as a battle amidst monsters 
What am I to do to preserve my spirit–and body for that matter as well?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Tim Horton
May 7, 2018
Hey Svetlana,
My name is Tim Horton and I’m the advertising partnerships manager at JvPartnersNow.
We would like to advertise some of our Lifestyle & Family related clients on your blog.
Can you please let me know what types of Advertising options you offer ?
Thanks in advance for the Details !
Take care,
Tim Horton