5 Steps to Transcend Old Habits and Permanently Transform Your Life
HJ: It’s time to let go of the past and make room for something far better in your life. We often cling to the past because we fear the unknown of what is…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: May 2015 Horoscope
May 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 So the everyday experiences you are…

How to Heal Your DNA With Your Mind
HJ: DNA is not static. It is an every-dynamic system influenced strongly by your mind, your emotions, your environment and your intention. And we have far more power of it than we have…

The Mind-Body Connection: How to Heal Your Body With Consciousness
HJ: There is no more powerful force than that of your own consciousness, because your consciousness is itself a reflection of the entire cosmos and the divine itself. Therefore by directing your mind,…

How to Bring Your Life into a Rhythm of Effortlessness and Flow
HJ: Flow and effortlessness is a result of choosing the path of least resistance. That doesn’t mean choosing an easy path, per se, but to choose a path that has the least internal…

How to Stop Worrying About What Everyone Thinks of You
HJ: When you stop fearing the world and move into a space of peace with who you are in this moment, you are free to be yourself in boundless joy and love. And…

Exploring Advanced States of Consciousness: Intuition and Beyond
HJ: Most people only ever use a small fraction of their conscious abilities — of the truly incredible things that they are actually capable of. Brendan D. Murphy bursts the door wide open…

7 Simple But Powerful Shifts to Help You Achieve Your Dreams
HJ: There is but one purpose in this life: to give yourself fully to your dreams with all of your heart. And of course, to remove all obstacles preventing you from doing so….

How to Transform Self-Doubt Into Life-Long Happiness and Self-Love
HJ: Self doubt is only a symptom of deeper unhealed parts of yourself. Heal those and the self-doubt is transformed into happiness, peace, joy and even self-love. Because these are your natural states…

5 Questions to Help You Only Focus on The Things Essential to Your Health, Wealth and Happiness
HJ: Your focus is everything — what you focus on, you get more of. It is one of the simplest laws of consciousness. And therefore, the art of maintaining your focus on only…