How to Make the Law of Attraction Work For You
HJ: The Law of Attraction is always in effect. The key is to begin working with it in a way that brings you more of what you want and less of what you dont…

Exploring the Hidden History of Earth: Looking Beyond Mainstream Thought For The Truth of Our Origins
HJ: Peruvian shamans speak of the process of unlearning — that is, unlearning all the things we have unconsciously accepted as fact as children and into adulthood. These beliefs and perceptions which were…

The Hidden Meaning of Synchronicities and Coincidences
HJ: Albert Einstein famously said “God does not play dice with the universe.” Despite what we have been led to believe about coincidences and synchronicities (namely that they are little more than chance),…

Deepak Chopra on How to Create a Life of True Fulfillment
HJ: It’s something we all want in life — greater fulfillment… a feeling of purpose, clarity, happiness and meaning. You can truly have it all, but you better be prepared to get very…