Multidimensional Self

Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul

By IAN LAWTON | New Dawn — Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to…


True Prosperity: Becoming an Employee of the Universe

Colin Bondi, Contributing Writer | Waking Times — I love the word prosperity. Prosperity represents a fulfilling life encompassing not only material wealth but happiness and genuine fulfillment. I think of it as a state…

kashmir-bliss small

Carl Jung: The Dream Shaman of Switzerland

By Robert Moss | New World Library Excerpt from the book Dreaming the Soul Back Home — If you want to know what a dream shaman of the West would be like, consider Carl Jung, as…


We Are Unlimited Potential: A Talk with Joseph Chilton Pearce

By Charles Eisenstein | Reality Sandwich  — Last week I sat down for a telephone conversation with Joseph Chilton Pearce, an author who has had a big influence not only on my work, but on…


DL Zeta: November 13th Solar Eclipse Signals the ‘Awakening Prelude’ for the New Time

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — Change and transformation are at the forefront this week with a solar eclipse today (Nov. 13) at 21/22 degrees Scorpio. This eclipse asks us to go…


Judith K Moore: The Quantum Energetics of the Transformation

  — The Quantum Energetics of the Transformation of Gaia’s Living Hologram and the Apocalyptic Forces I was awakened with extreme electromagnetic energy last night and images of the axis of the Earth…


Meditation Shown to Produce Enduring Changes in Emotional Processing in the Brain

Meditation appears to produce enduring changes in emotional processing in the brain Imaging study finds different forms of meditation may have varying effects on key brain structure From Mass General — A new study…


The Lightbody – Sacred Geometry Activation

From Celestial Wellspring — Your Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional…


Dan Gilbert: The Surprising Science of Happiness (Video)

  Dan Gilbert, author of “Stumbling on Happiness,” challenges the idea that we’ll be miserable if we don’t get what we want. Our “psychological immune system” lets us feel truly happy even when…


Why We All Have Psychic Capabilities

Why we ALL have psychic powers: How thought premonitions and telepathy are more common than we think By DR RUPERT SHELDRAKE | Daily Mail — Like many mothers who feared for their family’s safety during World…

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