How to Manage Fear To Achieve Success
HJ: Fear keeps us from living up to our fullest potential, plain and simple. Everyday I witness people paralyzed by varying levels of fear. Most of the time they are not even consciously…

Bruce Lipton, Ph. D.: The Power of the Mind
HJ: This is an incredible article by the brilliant Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. Our minds are vastly more powerful than we can comprehend from our limited viewpoint. Although we may have an inkling of…

Cosmic Awareness: Understanding the 3 Days of Darkness and Ascension
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | CosmicAwareness.org — Would it be possible to discuss the three days or nights of darkness that will be coming? This is simply a label or term, just…

Sexedelic: Tantric Healing Through Psychedelics
By Talat Jonathan Phillips and Anna Salerno | Reality Sandwich — When it comes to the human experience few things are as alchemically powerful as sex and the ingestion of entheogenic substances. The combination of these…