Multidimensional Self

The True Power of Affirmations

HJ: Affirmations have incredible power to transform our lives when we make it a habit to regularly repeat them to ourselves.  Over time, our self-defeating thoughts are transformed into positivity that helps propel…


A Revolution in Consciousness

HJ: Owen K Waters brilliantly illustrates the 80-20 rule and how it relates to lightworkers and the coming unfolding revolution in consciousness.  Many wonder whether their efforts are significant and if they truly make any…


Your Perception of the Ascension Defines It’s Effects in Your Life

HJ: The concept being explained here is quite simple, really.  Our perception defines our reality.  If you believe something to be so, it is so.  So if you believe that the Ascension has occurred and…


Yahweh: The Work of Building the New World Begins

HJ: A lot of groung is covered in this latest message from Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Yahweh mentions many world events that have been reported on the Healers Journal and even in the…

earth space small

Emmanuel Dagher: January 2013 Energy Forecast – The In Between Stage

HJ: I am a big fan of Emmanuel Dagher.  His words deeply resonate with me and it is obvious that he is speaking from a place of wisdom and deep caring for all….


2013: The Keys to Healing and Balance

HJ:  Irma Sawyer offers us some general guidance and words of wisdom for the upcoming year as well as a guided visualization practice that can be used to cleanse the aura and balance…


DL Zeta: Our Movement into the New Time is Vertical, Not Linear

HJ: Spiritual growth is based on vibrational frequency.  Take heed of these words of wisdom from DL Zeta: “This new passage we have entered is about raising our vibrational frequency to enter timelines…


A Guide to the 7 Chakras: Our Spiritual Energy Centers

HJ: It has been my experience that fundamental understanding of the chakras is one of the most powerful concepts we can have in our arsenal throughout our spiritual journey.  Having an awareness of…


The Role of Diet and Food In The Activation and Maintenance of the Light Body

HJ:  I cannot overstate the importance of diet in the maintenance of the light body.  Eating in a way that shows great respect for the body temple is simply requisite discipline for higher…


Raising Your Frequency in 2013

HJ: The act of raising ones frequency is a core concept to be explored and mastered on the spiritual path.  It is a timeless practice which continually builds upon itself in a beautiful…

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