Multidimensional Self

What You Focus Your Mind On Will Only Expand

HJ: I think the title of this article is pretty straightforward, and thats part of the beauty of this concept.  It is so incredibly simple that you instantly know exactly what you need…


A Spiritual and Energetic Guide to the 13 Chakras

HJ: Understanding and working with the Chakras is a major step in ones spiritual evolution and leads to increased clarity, energetic sensitivity and what are termed ‘siddhis’.  Siddhis are essentially the development of…


Polarity and the Illusions of Life and Death

HJ: It’s 2013.  Time to stop beating around the bush and drill down into some serious esoteric material with substance.  While amateur changelings and messages certainly have their spot in the grand scheme of things…


A Doctor’s Experience of Heaven and the Problem of Objectivity in Science

HJ: Humanity is currently in the grips of an existential crisis that has been ongoing for 1000’s of years.  As a society, we have been trained to completely discount the inner, spiritual experience…


Developing Your Intuition Using Mystical Experience

HJ: Our intuition — specifically our higher self — is attempting to guide us constantly.  However, we have learned and been conditioned to quell this inner voice in favor of practicality and logic,…


Tachyon Energy: Powerful Healing For Higher Consciousness and Radiant Health

HJ: The more I learn about Tachyon energy, the further I am intrigued about its incredible healing potential and spiritual properties.  Furthermore, compared to other metaphysical products, tachyonized glass is relatively affordable  making it…


Itzhak Beery: The Shamanic Path to Material and Spiritual Abundance

HJ: Largely forgotten in the West, the Shamanic path and the techniques developed over 1000’s of years by these powerful masters of the spirit and physical planes can hold great opportunity and potential…


Working With The Forces of the Subconscious Mind

HJ: If you are at all interested in working with and clearing the subconscious mind, you are highly encouraged to enter your email address to the right to download the Healers Journal meditation…


Discovering and Working With Your Archetype

HJ: Knowing ones archetype allows for a greater understanding of the personality and self, which is intimately linked to spiritual growth.  Archetypes are classical representations of different personality types who all carry great…

The Art, Experience and Science of Shifting Your Personal Timeline

The Art, Experience and Science of Shifting Your Personal Timeline By Truth | The Healers Journal — While responding to comments on an article that was recently posted on the Healers Journal, I…

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