Are You Limiting Yourself With Expectations?
HJ: Learning to let go of expectations is a process that leads to greater happiness, peace and opportunity. Expectations tend to cut us off from experiencing the true essence of a situation because…

The True Essence of Creating Through Manifestation
HJ: In this clarifying essay by Neale Donlad Walsch, we are given insight into to common misconceptions regarding the act of creating through manifestation. Let me make a point here: creating through manifestation…

The Eight Stages of Self Awareness
HJ: As has been impressed upon me lately, spirit speaks in general terms. This allows for the inclusion of unlimited potential and possibility, but it can also be confusing and challenging for those…

A Guide to the 6 Virtues of the Heart
HJ: It has been my personal experience that having a framework for working with higher spiritual concepts is immensely helpful. It can help one transcend the initial resistance experienced when trying to find…

The True Nature of Freedom
HJ: The illusion is the struggle with forces outside the self. What is outside the self is but a reflection of the true self. Chasing reflections will leave you tired and frustrated. One…

Are You Giving Away Your Power?
HJ: The fact is that most people live their entire lives unconsciously giving their power away. It is the rule rather than the exception and it is a tendency based in fear. Fear of our own…

Simple, Powerful Ways to Raise Your Vibration
HJ: While many of the ideas presented below may seem like ‘small steps’, combining just a few of them will make a large difference in your life. Like a snowball rolling down a…