Multidimensional Self

Qi Gong Master Demonstrates Unbelievable Powers: Says We All Have This Capability

Nai Gong Master John Chang reluctantly demonstrates the incredible power of focused, concentrated Chi by performing what may be termed ‘miracles’ based on current understanding of reality.  By concentrating Chi into his hands,…

How to Develop the Ability To See and Read the Aura – Part 1

HJ: The idea that only certain people born with special gifts or talents have the ability to see auras is patently false.  The truth is that everyone has this ability.  It is a…

Are You Creating Lack or Abundance in Your Life?

HJ:  The subconscious belief in lack can take many forms in our life.  Lack as we experience it is really a lack of trust in the divine nature of the universe.  The divine…


Is It Possible To Live As Though Time Does Not Exist?

HJ: In contrast to what we are taught to believe, time is completely maleable by our own conscious observation and perception of it.  We typically believe at a core level that time proceeds…


Re-Inventing Ourselves and Our Realities WIth Ease and Grace

HJ:  If you are energetically aware and sensitive to even the slightest degree, you will be able to perceive the immense change that is currently underway.  It feels to me as though we…


Adjusting to the Intense Energies of 2013

HJ: What got us this far will not necessarily take us  further.  The post-Ascension energies are calling us to step fully into our power and bringing unaddressed issues to the surface to be…


Earth’s Magnetic Field and its Effect on Human Behavior and Consciousness

HJ: An important distinction I am increasingly learning to make is the determination of what is my own energy vs. those of the collective, the general universal/terrestrial flux, or even simply others I…

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Are You Letting Subconscious Dramas Control Your Life? The Answer May Surprise You

HJ: The concept of control dramas is something I have recently become aware of and have started to observe in myself and those who I interact with on a day to day basis….


February 2013 Energy Forecast: The Completion of Old Agreements

HJ: The changes that Emmanuel alludes to in this months energy forecast are not always ‘in-your-face’ obvious, although they certainly can be depending on what you choose to create for yourself and what…


How Changing Your Beliefs Can Profoundly Alter Your Life

HJ: The illusion teaches us to blame circumstances, events, situations, etc. on forces outside ourselves.  We are absolved of all complicity in the creation of reality.  We are told that we are at…

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