How to Simplify Your Life Like a Zen Master
HJ: Like anything in life, achieving the outcome you desire is more about your internal state of mind/being than anything else. Therefore if you desire to simplify your life, you must begin to…

How to Bring Your Mind, Body and Spirit into Balance Using Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies
HJ: Solfeggio frequencies are an ancient science, long used by monks and other spiritually aware individuals to instill harmony and balance in the mind, body and spirit. Solfeggio Frequencies work through vibration…

New Study Proves Our Brains are Intricately Connected to the Universe at the Quantum Level
By Truth | The Healers Journal — Oil painting by Urs Schmid (1995) of a Penrose tiling using fat and thin rhombi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) At a fundamental level, your brain and the…

After All the Hype and Predictions, What Really Happened in 2012?
HJ: Looking back on the fabled year of 2012, it’s easy for many people to say ‘I told you so!’ on both sides of the aisle. After all, hindsight is 20/20… but answering…

The Secrets of Reality: How the Mind Body and Spirit Interact to Create Your Life Experience
HJ: By understanding how the mind body and spirit interact, we can begin to consciously shape and create our life experience. Most people move into adulthood believing that life is happening to them, instead…