The Quantum Physics Behind the Power of Positive Thinking
HJ: In the ever expanding community of conscious individuals, the idea that thinking positively has very real effects has grown in popularity quite wildly over the last few decades, and for good reason….

7 Questions You Will Ask Yourself At The End Of Your Life
HJ: Here’s my advice — don’t wait until the end of your life to ask yourself these questions! These are questions to ask yourself everyday. The answers will guide you towards a very…

The 5 Keys to Making Visualization Work For You
HJ: Until we have tamed the ego, it can and does color many of our experiences in ways that tend to make us frustrated or doubtful and this can apply to any facet…

Whole Life Nutrition: Are You Being Fed at Every Level of Your Being?
HJ: When we think of being nourished, we typically relate it to diet and nutrition However, anyone familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs knows that true nourishment encompasses much more than just food and health…

How to Use Shamanic Techniques to Connect To Your Intuition and Make Wiser Decisions
HJ: Shamanism in the West is typically thought of as a system of using sacred plants (read: psychedelics) as a way to gain spiritual wisdom, understanding and facilitate healing. While there certainly is an…

Simple Techniques for Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming
HJ: Lucid dreaming is an incredible experience. It does not feel like dreaming — it feels and is totally real. Lucid dreaming is the experience of becoming aware on the Astral Plane (aka…

Learning to Hear the Messages Life is Sending to You
HJ: By tuning into the everyday sounds of life, we can transport our consciousness to a transcendental state. The opportunities to awaken to higher levels of awareness are infinite and always within reach. Self-realization is always a…

The Insight Meditation: A Buddhist Approach to Cultivating the Heart
HJ: This wonderful article offers a great wealth of knowledge in such a simple, straightforward way that anyone can easily follow along and take many pearls of wisdom for use in their own…