How to Rearrange Your Beliefs As If They Were Furniture
HJ: Fundamental to the truth that we create our own reality is the nature of belief and how it dictates and underlies our perceptions. Belief is one of the most crucial aspects of…

Exploring and Understanding the Consciousness of Plants
HJ: If you were not already aware, plants do indeed have consciousness. Plant consciousness is not expressed in the same way that Human consciousness is and so many assume that plants do not…

Psychic Self Defense: Protecting Yourself From Unwanted Energy
HJ: On a daily basis we are bombarded with various types of energy — energies from other people, energies from electromagnetic fields (cell phones, power lines, computers, etc.), energies emitted by celestial bodies…

Cell Biologist Proves How Emotions Can Change Your DNA
HJ: The irony of the title to this article is that science is not really ‘proving’ anything, it is simply offering an explanation for a timeless spiritual truth that exists as a fundamental…

Creating Your Ideal Life With the Law of Attraction
HJ: Any discussion of the Law of Attraction that does not also touch on the nature of belief is inherently incomplete, in that belief is at the root of our ability to attract…

The Transformation of Self-limiting Thoughts and Beliefs: A Simple Guide
HJ: Belief is the crux of our life experience. Simply put, what we believe creates the reality we experience and we are unable to perceive that which is outside of our beliefs. Therein…

Expanded States of Consciousness: Samadhi, Levitation and the Power of the Mind
HJ: As a child, I was acutely aware of the distinction between the spiritual reality and ‘everyday’ or ‘practical’ reality which seemed to exist simultaneously, but still somewhat separately At the time, I could…

Seeing Through the Illusion: How Your Perception of the World is a Mirror of Yourself (Video)
HJ: Until we learn to see the fundamental essence of ourselves and the world around us, we are engaged in the act of the projection of our thoughts and beliefs — our perceptions…

The 20 Keys to Conscious Creation – Gregg Braden (Video + Text)
20 Keys of Conscious Creation by Gregg Braden Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have…

How to Develop the Ability To See and Read the Aura – Part 2
HJ: The ability to see the aura is an incredible skill that will unlock a greater understanding of the nature of reality for those who master the art. One must be able to…