Where Are We Now? The Evolution of Human Consciousness in the Dawn of the New Age
HJ: Now more than ever, your personal energetic frequency, beliefs and thoughts will dictate what you experience and perceive. This has always been the case, but one of the main difference now being…

Understanding Advanced Energy Patterns and How They Can Be Used For Healing
HJ: To be clear, everyone has the ability to tune into and access subtle energy. It requires a refinement of the senses and a deep trust of the self and inner experience, but…

Everything You Need to Know About the Miracle of Cell Regeneration Therapy
HJ: Miracles are not special occurrences. Miracles are showing us the actual nature of reality and what is possible. In certain ways, they reflect back to us the true extent of the spiritually cut-off…

How to Use Your Mind to Create Health and Well-Being (Part 1)
HJ: The power of the mind cannot be overstated. Our thoughts and beliefs dictate our health to a far lager degree than we realize, however, we live in a society that constantly reinforces the…

Can You Feel the Change Yet? A Guide to Understanding the Emerging Consciousness of Humanity
HJ: Have you felt lately that things are definitely changing, but you just can’t put your finger on exactly how or why? Look no further than this highly pertinent article from DL Zeta….

7 Techniques For Activating and Connecting to Your Higher Mind
HJ: Spiritual advancement develops along a continuum. There is no definitive endpoint where you have simply ‘mastered it all’, rather, as we develop to higher levels of awareness, we tune into greater wisdom, subtlety,…

Using Matrix Reimprinting to Rewrite Your Past and Transform Your Future
HJ: We typically think of time as a linear experience, when in fact it is multidimensional in nature. The past, present and future all exist simultaneously and we can alter both the past…

All Roads Lead to Awakening: The Path to Spiritual Awareness
HJ: Have you ever had the urge to truly understand why you are here? What life means? Have you ever felt that there was something more to life than what is typically presented,…

The Emerging Spiritual Renaissance
HJ: We are at an extremely unique time in history. The birth of the internet has made unimaginable amounts of spiritually enlightening information just a few clicks away. As soon as someone is…

Neuroplasticity Researcher Explains How to Rewire Your Brain (Video)
Change Your Mind: Change Your Brain Talk given by Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz Leading neuroplasticity researcher and coauthor of the just released You Are Not Your Brain and the groundbreaking books Brain Lock…