The Great Mystery of the 13 Crystal Skulls
From Rise Earth — One of the most compelling mysteries of all time is the conspiracy of the 13 Crystal Skulls.. Many of these skulls have been found around the world and near…

Timewave Zero: December 21st, 2012
From 2012WorldEnds.com — “Timewave zero” is a numerological formula that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of “novelty”, defined as increase in the universe’s interconnectedness, or organised complexity, over time. According to…

DL Zeta: Unconditional Love Shifts us to Timelines of Peace and Prosperity
By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — As we move closer to the December solstice, we will find our success and fulfillment based more than ever before upon our degree of alignment with the…

Cosmic Awareness: Chamber of the Heart Meditation; Activate Your Merkaba and Torus
That this Awareness wishes to re-present a meditation that was given several months ago. But, with an addition. That this is the meditation of the Heart. Accessing the secret God chamber in the heart…

DL Zeta: Transforming Obstacles into Blessings
By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — The energies of the recent lunar eclipse triggered a wave of energy that will extend into coming weeks and months, bringing about clearing and release at…

The Hathors: Non-Duality and the Matrix of Creation
The Hathors via Tom Kenyon | Tom Kenyon — A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon In this message we wish to address the paradox of how you create positive outcomes that unfold…

Transcending Our Brain Created Reality: A New Call to Lift Nature’s Veil
By BERNARDO KASTRUP, Ph.D. | New Dawn — The study of non-ordinary states of consciousness is quickly becoming an established area of scientific and philosophical inquiry. Yet, all the enthusiasm about finding out…

The Living Matrix: How We Draw Energy From Each Other
People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do By Michael Forrester | Prevent Disease — A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants…

How to Protect Your Home With Subtle Energy
By Beth Quist, Guest Writer — You can use subtle energy (Qi/Life Force Energy) to help protect your home. You can also direct subtle energy to help create an atmosphere of love, peace, and…

How Electromagnetic Fields Negatively Affect Consciousness and the Pineal Gland
Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect the Pineal Gland, Limiting Human Consciousness? Dylan Charles, Editor — As humanity continues into the new millennium, technology and communication continue to play an increasingly important role in human life….