Crossing the Galactic Plane and the Photon Belt
HJ: I know many of my readers are very much interested in the celestial movements of our planet through the universe and how this has major, profound effects on the collective and individual…

Cosmic Awareness: To Those Who Think That Nothing Happened During Ascension
HJ: For what it is worth, to those who care, Cosmic Awareness sheds light on what actually happened during Ascension and, specifically, for those who think that nothing happened. I would imagine that…

J. Krishnamurti: The Art and Science of Meditation
HJ: Krishnamurti ranks as on of the greatest masters and philosophical minds of all time. His unique, yet timeless perspective on the larger spiritual truths of our existence has helped many to reach…

The Essence of Mastery Consciousness and Ascension
HJ: Peter covers quite a bit of territory in this incredibly profound message. I would like to harp, however, on a point he makes further down in the article, and that is the…

The 2012 Quantum Identity Shift: Stepping into the Footprints of our Fifth-Dimensional Selves
By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — As we move toward the December 21 solstice point, we find ourselves standing in the doorway of a new moment in human consciousness. Because everything in…

Galactic Alignment 2012?
By Chris Bourne — So we’re rapidly approaching the much heralded and prophecised Galactic Alignment, where the earth aligns with the sun through the galactic equator and according to some interpretations of the Mayan’s…

Earth Changes and the Retribalization of Ancient Soul Groups
By Peter Phalam | Celestial Vision — There has been much discussion concerning the connection between ongoing shifts in consciousness and Earth changes. This is what we know now. The Earth has an…

12-12-12 & The Birth of Unity Consciousness
By Meredith Murphy — You are well prepared, trust yourself. All that has led up to these alignments — the 12:12:12 Stargate and the December Solstice — has prepared you well for the unprecedented Infusions of Cosmic…

Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle
From OM Times Magazine — Drunvalo Melchizedek is the author of five books including “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II”, “Living in the Heart”, the bestselling “Serpent of…

Aisha North: Prepare to Enter the Energetic Vortex of 12-12-12
By Aisha North | The manuscript of survival (Part 236) — ever faster just in front of you. For today is 11.12.12 or 12.11.12 if you will, the day before 12.12.12. So get ready…