Qi Gong Master Demonstrates Unbelievable Powers: Says We All Have This Capability
Nai Gong Master John Chang reluctantly demonstrates the incredible power of focused, concentrated Chi by performing what may be termed ‘miracles’ based on current understanding of reality. By concentrating Chi into his hands,…

How to Develop the Ability To See and Read the Aura – Part 1
HJ: The idea that only certain people born with special gifts or talents have the ability to see auras is patently false. The truth is that everyone has this ability. It is a…

Are You Creating Lack or Abundance in Your Life?
HJ: The subconscious belief in lack can take many forms in our life. Lack as we experience it is really a lack of trust in the divine nature of the universe. The divine…

Is It Possible To Live As Though Time Does Not Exist?
HJ: In contrast to what we are taught to believe, time is completely maleable by our own conscious observation and perception of it. We typically believe at a core level that time proceeds…

22 Profound Quotes on Manifestation and the Creation of Reality
HJ: With the release of the film ‘The Secret’ in 2006, manifestation suddenly went mainstream. However, many became quite frustrated and skeptical of the concept due to the lack of results they were…

The Secret to Creating Miracles and Manifestations In Your Life
HJ: There is a saying one of my mentors/spiritual guides repeats to me nearly everytime we speak: “There is no out there ‘out there’ independent of the contents of our own mind.” This…

How to Work With Kundalini Energy – Part 2: Practices and Methods
HJ: There are many practices and techniques for awakening the Kundalini energy and those presented here are simply a starting point. Those ready for advanced practices can find them in the book: Kundalini…

Understanding the Difference Between Levels of Awareness: Density and Dimension
HJ: The terms dimension and density are thrown around quite loosely in different channelings and spiritual articles. In fact, I have even found myself using them interchangeably on occasion. However, there is definitely…

Sanat Kumara: The Missing Element of Manifestation
HJ: This is a powerful, direct and simultaneously abstract message outlining the role of emotion in the manifestation of our dreams and desires. As I see it, Sanat is essentially referring to a…

Taming the Subconscious: Taking Your Life Off Auto-Pilot
HJ: In this article, Dr. Dyer states that awareness is the first step in working with and healing the subconscious mind, and indeed this is so. Until we become aware of the fact…