Meditation Benefits

Meditation Shown to Produce Enduring Changes in Emotional Processing in the Brain

Meditation appears to produce enduring changes in emotional processing in the brain Imaging study finds different forms of meditation may have varying effects on key brain structure From Mass General — A new study…


Dan Gilbert: The Surprising Science of Happiness (Video)

  Dan Gilbert, author of “Stumbling on Happiness,” challenges the idea that we’ll be miserable if we don’t get what we want. Our “psychological immune system” lets us feel truly happy even when…


Why We All Have Psychic Capabilities

Why we ALL have psychic powers: How thought premonitions and telepathy are more common than we think By DR RUPERT SHELDRAKE | Daily Mail — Like many mothers who feared for their family’s safety during World…


Matthieu Ricard – The Art of Meditation (Video)

The “worlds happiest man” philosopher Matthieu Ricard explains how we can train our minds in habits of well-being.


Scientist Find Meditation Increases Ability to Experience Joy by Studying Monks

By CLAIRE BATES | — Ricard: ‘Meditation is not just blissing out under a mango tree but it completely changes your brain’ — – Brain scans reveal Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard has largest capacity for happiness…

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