Meditation Benefits

3 Simple Mindfulness Meditations That Will Transform Your Outlook on Life

HJ: Staying centered and present in the moment is quite an easy task.  The challenge lies in unlearning a lifetime of conditioning that keeps us locked into thinking about the past and future….


The 20 Keys to Conscious Creation – Gregg Braden (Video + Text)

20 Keys of Conscious Creation by Gregg Braden Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have…


7 Simple, Powerful Practices For Cultivating a Greater Connection to Your Spirit

HJ: Like planting seeds in a garden, the cultivation of our spirituality will allow us to reap a rich harvest in the form of a fulfilling, meaningful life.  If you are experiencing struggle,…


Qi Gong Master Demonstrates Unbelievable Powers: Says We All Have This Capability

Nai Gong Master John Chang reluctantly demonstrates the incredible power of focused, concentrated Chi by performing what may be termed ‘miracles’ based on current understanding of reality.  By concentrating Chi into his hands,…


22 Profound Quotes on Manifestation and the Creation of Reality

HJ: With the release of the film ‘The Secret’ in 2006, manifestation suddenly went mainstream.  However, many became quite frustrated and skeptical of the concept due to the lack of results they were…

Are You Limiting Yourself With Expectations?

HJ: Learning to let go of expectations is a process that leads to greater happiness, peace and opportunity.  Expectations tend to cut us off from experiencing the true essence of a situation because…


The True Essence of Creating Through Manifestation

HJ:  In this clarifying essay by Neale Donlad Walsch, we are given insight into to common misconceptions regarding the act of creating through manifestation.  Let me make a point here: creating through manifestation…


The Secret to Creating Miracles and Manifestations In Your Life

HJ: There is a saying one of my mentors/spiritual guides repeats to me nearly everytime we speak: “There is no out there ‘out there’ independent of the contents of our own mind.”  This…

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The True Nature of Freedom

HJ:  The illusion is the struggle with forces outside the self.  What is outside the self is but a reflection of the true self.  Chasing reflections will leave you tired and frustrated.  One…


Are You Giving Away Your Power?

HJ: The fact is that most people live their entire lives unconsciously giving their power away.  It is the rule rather than the exception and it is a tendency  based in fear.  Fear of our own…

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