
Aisha North: The Last Few Days Have Seen a Major Shift

By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 215) — As many of you have already ascertained, there has indeed been a major shift during these last few days. To many, it will…


The Causes of Spiritual Illness

From Waking Times — As we pass through life on the physical plane, things happen. We contract flus and colds and viruses, and we sustain physical injuries, like falling off our bikes as children…


Imagining the Tenth Dimension

by Rob Bryanton | Imaging the Tenth Dimension — Modern theories tell us that there are ten spatial, or “space-like” dimensions to our reality. My name is Rob Bryanton. With this project, I have developed a creative…


Navigating the New Time through Dream Downloads and Dimensional Travels

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — Dreams are one way our mind goes “off the grid” to commune with other aspects of our consciousness, but dream states are not the only portals…


Aisha North: The Sun is Fueling the Energetic Changes Occurring

By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (part 214) — The sun is shining down upon you again, and her benevolent rays carry so much more than mere light and warmth. She is…


Cosmic Awareness: The Founder of Biodynamic Farming was a Crystalline Being

RUDOLF STEINER WAS A CRYSTALLINE BEING FROM THE 9TH DIMENSION QUESTIONER: Yes it is and I thank you very much, thank you. The last question comes from JC. He writes, “There was a…


Unleashing the Soul – How Free Are You?

Trinity Bourne, Openhand Contributor | Waking Times — “We, who lived in concentration camps, can remember the men who walked through the huts of others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have…


Cosmic Awareness: The Simple Truth – We Create Our Realities

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — QUESTIONER: Yes it is very clear, thank you. The next part is, “The mathematics are supposed to be that if 10% of the beings…


The Modern Shaman: Awakening From the Slumber of Our Culture

Hank Wesselman, Guest Writer | Waking Times — In the Western world, when we hear the word “shaman,” most of us tend to conjure up an image of a masked and costumed indigenous tribal person,…

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Steve Rother And The Group: Awakening the Child – Scripting a New Story

The Group via Steve Rother | — From Steve: Hi all. This message was a powerful call to action. The people in the room were sitting on the edge of their chairs as…

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