
Aisha North: You Are the Ones That Make the Change Happen

By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival – (Part 217) — We applaud you all for being undaunted by all of these massive changes, and by ”undaunted”, we refer to the fact that…


Cosmic Awareness: The Cabal is Desperately Trying to Maintain Control; Stay Centered

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghof, Energizer Callista Summerfield-Berlinghof | Cosmic Awareness — General session for Cosmic Awareness on October 30, 2012 Cosmic Awareness: That which is Cosmic Awareness is available at this time…


Amit Goswami: Quantum Physics, Consciousness, and How Manifestation Happens

Tim Chrisco, Guest Writer | Waking Times — In the following series of videos Professor Amit Goswami describes the process of, for lack of a better word, enlightenment. In his description he gives us a clear understanding of…

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Will Hart: Our Extraterrestrial DNA and the True Origins of the Species

The Dawn of the Genesis Race: Our Extraterrestrial DNA and the True Origins of the Species By Will Hart | New Dawn Magazine — The mysteries of ancient history, such as how the…


Tom Kenyon: Higher Dimensions of Consciousness

By Tom Kenyon | Tom Kenyon — Before you read over the material in this Hathor section, I would like to offer a bit of advice—an intellectual consideration if you will. I will…


With Our Thoughts, We Make the World

By Walter Mason | New Dawn Magazine — What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our…


Saul: Any Loving Though or Word Creates an Eternal Effect

By John Smallman | John Smalllman’s Blog — There is no one presently experiencing life on Earth who is not to some extent feeling the changing energies that are enveloping you.  They are growing powerfully…


Aisha North: Look Beyond the Seeming Normality of the 3rd Dimension

By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 216) — We greet you again on this fine morning, and we want you all to feel that even if your circumstances might in some…


The Science Behind Good Vibes: How Mindfulness Actually Works

From Prevent Disease — Achieving mindfulness through meditation has helped people maintain a healthy mind by quelling negative emotions and thoughts, such as desire, anger and anxiety, and encouraging more positive dispositions such as…


Hilarion: You Are Moving Up the Ladder of the Ascension Process

Hilarion via Marlene Sweltishoff | — October 28-November 3, 2012 Beloved Ones, As the Cosmic energies increase in intensity once again, the Lightworkers of the World find themselves stepping up to the ladder…

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