
The Day After Ascension: December 22nd, 2012

HJ: Based on my initial review of various Ascension reports from conscious individuals yesterday, it seems as though we all experienced incredible ecstatic heights and also bouts of sadness, depression and/or disappointment.  I think…


Aisha North: A Short Energetic Update

HJ: I, for one, can definitely feel the Ascension energies that have begun in earnest on Dec. 20th and are continuing to grow and fluctuate as the days roll on.  I am finding…


Cosmic Awareness: Return to the Godhead – Your Soul Essence

HJ: Awareness’ messages are controversial, to say the least.  They do not pander as many channeled messages do.  Some say they are inconsistent.  While I acknowledge minor discrepancies, the major themes and ideas presented here…


Kara Schallock: The 13th Gateway: December 21, 2012

HJ: The comments are already coming in (by some, not by all — an important distinction!) that nothing has ‘happened’ or ‘changed’ and I, or rather ‘we’ as providers of information and ideas…


Daniel Pinchbeck: The End of the Beginning

HJ: I think it is important to post a wide range of intelligent, conscious opinion on various events that are currently manifesting in our realities on this planet.  I am not one for…


Cosmic Awareness: Questions and Answers on Ascension

These Questions and Answers are based on this profound transmission from Cosmic Awareness about what exactly will be happening during the Ascension on December 21st, 2012.  Read the original message here:  Cosmic Awareness:…


Yahweh: Ascension Day

HJ: The Healers Journal will now begin publishing channelings from Yahweh via Kathryn E. May, PsyD from time to time.  Yahweh’s messages are timely and contain information that resonates well with other respected…


Powerpath Guidance For Solstice Rituals and Ascension

HJ: Lena from the Powerpath offers some sage advice and guidance for the 2012 Winter Solstice and Ascension.  These are profound times and a energetic preparation and clearing is indeed wise.  These simple…


Cosmic Awareness: This is What Will Happen At The Moment of Ascension

HJ:  This is by far the most important piece of information to come forth this year.  Other than that, this message needs no introduction.  Highly recommended, profound and timely material. – Truth Cosmic…


Aisha North: Stay Centered As The Energy Intensity Increases

HJ: As usual, Aisha brings us a message full of advice and hope.  When dealing with a multidimensional event of such proportion, it can be difficult to explain in succinct terms what will…

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