Cosmic Awareness: Collapse of the Economy and Events in October
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff Cosmic Awareness FINANCIAL LIENS AGAINST THE BANKS FOLLOWED BY ARRESTS OF LEADING MEMBERS OF THE CABAL? QUESTIONER: Indeed. There is a similar question here in a sense that…
Cosmic Awareness: Healing With Programmed Water
HEALING WITH PROGRAMMED WATER Some of the New Technology Available Soon Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff Cosmic Awareness QUESTIONER: Yes indeed, thank you so much for that information. It was very, very informative….
Cosmic Awareness: Your Timeline Determines Your Ascension Experience
ALL TIMELINES REACH A FINAL NEXUS POINT ON DECEMBER 21? Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff CosmicAwareness.org QUESTIONER: Thank you for that discourse. It was very, very interesting. Carrying on, there are several questions…
Cosmic Awareness: Galactic Federation, the Olympics & First Contact
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff Cosmic Awareness QUESTIONER: “It is now established and was decided as of Earth date Wednesday, July 25, 2012 by the Pleiadian High Council in alliance with four other…
Cosmic Awareness: Poverty Versus Wealth – Dismantling Unconscious Beliefs
Cosmic Awareness: Poverty Versus Wealth – Dismantling Unconscious Beliefs Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff Cosmic Awareness Questioner: We have a question from ZoeyZen concerning unconscious beliefs. She writes: “How exactly might one dismantle unconscious beliefs…
The Universal Laws: The Law of Dharma
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff The Law of Dharma outlines the conditions under which our actions can be considered ‘in alignment’ with a higher purpose. When…
The Universal Laws: The Law of Currency Exchange
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff The Law of Currency Exchange has massive implications for how we interact with each other and the universe as a whole….
The Universal Laws: The Law of Courage
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff If we take nothing else from this law, the idea that ‘fear departs when action enters’ is more than enough to…
The Universal Laws: The Law of Correspondance
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff The Law of Correspondence is highly esoteric in nature, but if the advice that Awareness gives is taken — that is,…
The Universal Laws: The Law of Co-Creation
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff While the implications of this law are staggering and obvious, one can see how it can be used to either promote…