Cosmic Awareness: Jupiter to Become A Second Sun; Affect on Astrology
JUPITER TO BECOME ANOTHER SUN? Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent. He will be very, very pleased and I think it does explain it for…
Cosmic Awareness: Spiritual Awareness and Discernment is Critical in these Last Months Before Ascension
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awarness — Questioner: The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked. Cosmic Awareness: That which is Cosmic Awareness is now available and…
Cosmic Awareness: Accessing Your Inner Ascension Portal
THE INNER PORTAL An Opening From Within To Higher States of Consciousness Cosmic Awareness via WillBerlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — QUESTIONER: Thank you. The first question is from RB. He writes concerning the…
Cosmic Awareness: Current Affairs Update in These Shifting Times
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghof | Cosmic Awareness — CURRENT AFFAIRS IN THESE SHIFTING TIMES QUESTIONER: Is there any topic or current event or any matters we should be aware of at this…
Cosmic Awareness: The Cabal is Desperately Trying to Maintain Control; Stay Centered
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghof, Energizer Callista Summerfield-Berlinghof | Cosmic Awareness — General session for Cosmic Awareness on October 30, 2012 Cosmic Awareness: That which is Cosmic Awareness is available at this time…
Cosmic Awareness: The Founder of Biodynamic Farming was a Crystalline Being
RUDOLF STEINER WAS A CRYSTALLINE BEING FROM THE 9TH DIMENSION QUESTIONER: Yes it is and I thank you very much, thank you. The last question comes from JC. He writes, “There was a…
Cosmic Awareness: The Simple Truth – We Create Our Realities
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — QUESTIONER: Yes it is very clear, thank you. The next part is, “The mathematics are supposed to be that if 10% of the beings…
Cosmic Awareness: The Nibiru Cover-Up Intensifies
Thank you. We go now to Nibiru and its various names. There is considerable information and pictures offered by Donny Gillson regarding Hercolubus, Nibiru, planet X, Nemesis, Wormwood – all names for Nibiru. Also with…
Cosmic Awareness: Preparing the Light Body for Ascension
Cosmic Awarness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — The Law of Love has been given. This Awareness is available and asks now for you to proceed with the questions that you have for…
Cosmic Awareness: What the Mainstream Media is Keeping Hidden From You
October 17 in Canada, October 18, 2012 in Australia Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghof | Cosmic Awareness — The Law of Love is that Law which places the welfare and the concern and the…