Cosmic Awareness

Uncovering the Hidden Underground Library Below the Sphinx

HJ: I have known about the existence of this hidden library for quite some time and it fascinates me to no end.  In fact, there are many such libraries around the globe containing…


The Importance of Creativity, Art and Music On the Path of Spiritual Development

HJ: I have found engaging in creative practices on a daily basis to be one of the most profound, centering, awareness enhancing activities I have ever experienced in my life.  After seriously taking up drawing…


How Your Belief in Aging is Causing the Aging Itself and How You Can Change It

HOW TO EXPERIENCE THE ETERNAL MOMENT OF “NOW” AND BEGIN TO STOP THE AGING PROCESS IMMEDIATELY Cosmic Awareness via Paul Shockley | Cosmic Awareness — This Awareness suggests that entities, while reading this…

How Meditation and Visualization Work at the Sub-Atomic Level of Matter

HJ: Our thoughts have electromagnetic energy that affects matter at the sub-atomic level, causing changes and magnifying the intention and emotion with which they are sent out into the universe.  This is the…


How to Use the Sun to Activate the Pineal Gland and Higher Intelligence

HJ: Speaking here from personal experience, I can say that daily sungazing has had a profoundly transformative effect on my health, mood, and consciousness.  It has literally reinvigorated me with a zest for…

Understanding The Post-Ascension World: The First Trimester of Energetic Development

HJ: Normally I would write a lengthy intro to a message such as this, but there is nothing I can add to it.  All your answers are contained therein. – Truth Cosmic Awareness…


Expanded States of Consciousness: Samadhi, Levitation and the Power of the Mind

HJ: As a child, I was acutely aware of the distinction between the spiritual reality and ‘everyday’ or ‘practical’ reality which seemed to exist simultaneously, but still somewhat separately   At the time, I could…


You Are A Cell Within the Body of the Soul

HJ:  You are not insignificant.  Despite what you may have been told or despite what you believe about yourself, your life has great meaning.  You are an expression of the divine God consciousness in physical form…


Understanding The Root Spiritual Causes of Disease and Illness

HJ:  Disease and illness is predisposed by a susceptibility to such conditions.  One becomes susceptible when they have issues they still need to work through at the spiritual/soul level.  While it is true that diseases…


A Guide to the 6 Virtues of the Heart

HJ: It has been my personal experience that having a framework for working with higher spiritual concepts is immensely helpful.  It can help one transcend the initial resistance experienced when trying to find…

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