
Archangel Metatron: The Integrity of Prayer Questing & The Mechanics of Sedona Star-Gates

HJ: There is nothing like an Archangel Metatron (via James Tyberonn) message to keep motivation high and help one shift to a deeper understanding of exactly what is occuring in the collective and…


Polarity and the Illusions of Life and Death

HJ: It’s 2013.  Time to stop beating around the bush and drill down into some serious esoteric material with substance.  While amateur changelings and messages certainly have their spot in the grand scheme of things…


Your Perception of the Ascension Defines It’s Effects in Your Life

HJ: The concept being explained here is quite simple, really.  Our perception defines our reality.  If you believe something to be so, it is so.  So if you believe that the Ascension has occurred and…


Yahweh: The Work of Building the New World Begins

HJ: A lot of groung is covered in this latest message from Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Yahweh mentions many world events that have been reported on the Healers Journal and even in the…


Asking Yourself How Many Have I Served and How Well?

HJ: This is a highly thought provoking message from Cosmic Awareness (lets be honest — when aren’t they?).  I think many will be able to take some wisdom that will be of great…


2013: The Keys to Healing and Balance

HJ:  Irma Sawyer offers us some general guidance and words of wisdom for the upcoming year as well as a guided visualization practice that can be used to cleanse the aura and balance…


DL Zeta: Our Movement into the New Time is Vertical, Not Linear

HJ: Spiritual growth is based on vibrational frequency.  Take heed of these words of wisdom from DL Zeta: “This new passage we have entered is about raising our vibrational frequency to enter timelines…


The History of Star Beings and the Elohim

HJ: This recent message from Cosmic Awareness is, as usual, fascinating and thought provoking.  I am sure many will find that it resonates deeply with them and kindles their soul memory of lifetimes…


Raising Your Frequency in 2013

HJ: The act of raising ones frequency is a core concept to be explored and mastered on the spiritual path.  It is a timeless practice which continually builds upon itself in a beautiful…


Ascended Masters: Cosmic Reflections on the Dawn of 2013

HJ: I first became aware of Judith K. Moore through the Sedona Journal, which I highly recommend to all readers of the Healers Journal.  It is by far, the best source for channeled…

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