Meditation for Cultivating Prosperity and Abundance (Video)
HJ: Prosperity, or lack thereof, is more related to personal beliefs about self worth and abundance than about money itself. Self worth and abundance issues physically correspond to the lower three chakras and…

How to Restore and Harmonize the Ten Layers of the Auric Field With Yoga
HJ: Proper care and maintenance of the aura is a key part of maintaining the health of the mind-body-spirit triad. Yoga is quite powerful for these purposes and specific sets of asanas (postures)…

How to Read and Harmonize Your Aura
HJ: Learning to harmonize and repair the aura is not terribly difficult. It can be accomplished rather rapidly with some basic meditation practices outlined at the end of this article. Learning to see…

Going Beyond the Chakras: Understanding the Five Koshas and Their Role in Health, Healing and Higher Consciousness
HJ: The Koshas give us a complete template for the expression of consciousness in physical form. Developed thousands of years ago by the master Swami’s, Mystics, Seers and Rishi’s of ancient Hindu culture…

Understanding the Difference Between Clearing and Balancing of the Chakras
HJ: Understanding the difference between clearing and balancing the chakras is important because they are two distinctly different things. The terms are thrown around rather loosely on many new age/healing websites and this…

How to Use Simple Tones (Seed Mantras) to Open the Third Eye
HJ: Opening the third eye is a relatively straightforward process. It typically does not happen overnight, but with a little persistence and focused intent, it will invariably happen to the extent that you are capable…