How to Differentiate Between Your Own Energy and the Various Energies You Are Exposed to Everyday
HJ: It took me nearly 25 years to realize that I am empathic and am constantly picking up on the energy of other people as well as cosmic/planetary energies and those inharmonious ones emitted by…

The Role of Synchronicity in Our Lives: Recognizing the Keys to Our Destiny
HJ: Life is not random. There are no coincidences — only significant events and occurrences Yes, everything is significant in its own way, at its own level. This is the true, beautiful and supremely…

The Unfolding Emergence of the New Consciousness: Perspectives From a Master Swami
HJ: We are all moving at different speeds in our conscious evolution — some are riding the wave of the shift and making incredible leaps and bounds daily. On the other end of…

Exploring Vedic Astrology: The Ancient Celestial Science of the Soul
HJ: Vedic astrology is a profound, ancient science that is stunningly accurate. Based on precise astrological and celestial alignments at the time of our birth, it is a powerful tool for helping us to better…

Understanding the Rise of the Light: The Unfolding Planetary Shift into Higher Consciousness
HJ: We are in the midst of a massive shift in consciousness that is unfolding with great speed. It may seem to be moving quite slowly to some, but one must always remember…

How to Use Simple Tones (Seed Mantras) to Open the Third Eye
HJ: Opening the third eye is a relatively straightforward process. It typically does not happen overnight, but with a little persistence and focused intent, it will invariably happen to the extent that you are capable…

How You Create Your Reality With Your Thoughts, Explained in Great Detail
HJ: The biggest illusion in this life is that we are powerless over what happens to us — that reality is happening to us instead of being created on an individual and collective level by…

Beyond the Indigo Children: The New Generation of Lightworkers and Revolutionaries is Emerging
HJ: The indigo/crystal/millennial children certainly have their work cut out for them. They are here to dismantle and replace the outdated and oppressive societal structures of the last few thousand years, raising the consciousness…