How to Tell the Difference Between Intuition and Impulse
HJ: When learning to differentiate between intuition and impulse, we must focus on feeling over thinking, which can be challenging for many of us. Growing up believing in the power of thought, logic and reasoning over all…

Going Beyond the Chakras: Understanding the Five Koshas and Their Role in Health, Healing and Higher Consciousness
HJ: The Koshas give us a complete template for the expression of consciousness in physical form. Developed thousands of years ago by the master Swami’s, Mystics, Seers and Rishi’s of ancient Hindu culture…

Understanding Natural Disasters in the Context of Higher Consciousness
HJ: Natural disasters are typically given negative connotations, which is totally understandable in the context of the associated loss of life and injury that can and do often occur. But looking beyond that,…

What Do Quantum Physics and the Ancient Philosophy of Tantra Have in Common? Everything.
HJ: Science has taught us that what can’t be proven is suspect, but what if science is only now able to prove what the ancient mystics knew all along? Does that then change…

Why You Should Trust the Wisdom of the Heart: Your Intuitive Connection to Your Higher Self
HJ: The heart is in every way as powerful an organ as the brain and is the source through which we receive intuitive guidance from our higher self, which is directly connected to the divine…

The Spiritual Role of Minerals in the Body: The Foundations of Health and Awareness
HJ: Nerve transmissions are very minor, but powerful and important electric charges — the body runs on subtle currents which require the proper minerals and metals for their transmission. The body maintains a…