Ascension 2013
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New Study: The Link Between Being Present In The Moment and Ageless DNA

By Michael Forrester | Prevent Disease — Scientific studies have suggested that a mind that is present and in the moment indicates well-being, whereas shifting our energy to the past or future can lead…


Archangel Metatron: Easter Island – Rapa Nui 144 – Umbilical of the New Earth

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn | — Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love! We take a moment to bring…


Pranav Mistry: The Thrilling Potential of SixthSense Technology

At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data — including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper “laptop.”…


DL Zeta: You are Multi-Dimensional, Existing Simultaneously Throughout the Universe

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — The energies of November through year’s end open a window for exploring new spiritual identities that will carry us seamlessly into the expanded future we have…


Zecharia Sitchin: Nibiru & the End of Days

Zecharia Sitchin & the End of Days By LESLEY CROSSINGHAM | New Dawn Sometimes it is difficult not to be cynical about the ‘apocalypse-de-jour’ that tends to sweep through our world every few…


Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul

By IAN LAWTON | New Dawn — Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to…


True Prosperity: Becoming an Employee of the Universe

Colin Bondi, Contributing Writer | Waking Times — I love the word prosperity. Prosperity represents a fulfilling life encompassing not only material wealth but happiness and genuine fulfillment. I think of it as a state…


Maya White: New Moon Solar Eclipse

By Maya White | Maya White Astrology —  Tuesday, November 13 “Your reputation precedes you, Madam”  The Scorpio New Moon of November 13, 2012 comes to us during a time of Mercury retrograde,…


Archangel Metatron: The Powerful Solar and Lunar Eclipses of November 2012 – Parity Influx

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn | The Eclipses of November 2012 — Greetings Dear Ones ! I am Metatron Lord of Light. And so we speak of the energies about you. We…


DL Zeta: November 13th Solar Eclipse Signals the ‘Awakening Prelude’ for the New Time

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — Change and transformation are at the forefront this week with a solar eclipse today (Nov. 13) at 21/22 degrees Scorpio. This eclipse asks us to go…

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