Ascension 2013
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DL Zeta: Unconditional Love Shifts us to Timelines of Peace and Prosperity

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — As we move closer to the December solstice, we will find our success and fulfillment based more than ever before upon our degree of alignment with the…


Cosmic Awareness: Chamber of the Heart Meditation; Activate Your Merkaba and Torus

That this Awareness wishes to re-present a meditation that was given several months ago. But, with an addition. That this is the meditation of the Heart. Accessing the secret God chamber in the heart…


Cobra Intel Update: The Omega Grid

The Omega Grid By Cobra | 2012 Portal — Tactical readiness of the Light forces on the surface of our planet to trigger the Event was reached on November 22nd at the opening…


Understanding Planetary Ascension

Update 2012 – Understanding Planetary Ascension Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor — Much has been written in recent times – especially through 2012 – about our planetary “Ascension”. What exactly does the term mean? What is…


Selacia: DNA Encodements, Your Multidimensional Self and 2013

By Selacia | — Once in a while, there is a marker time point that people experience as the line between one thing and another. As 2013 begins you will be sitting at…


Cosmic Awareness: A Message of Hope in the End Times

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — That this Awareness is today available and It brings you a message of hope for these times. A message of Divine hope. For it…


Emmanuel Dagher: December 2012 Energetic Forecast

By Emmanuel Dagher | — Blessings miraculous friend, Can you feel the global unity vortex building? We’ve officially passed through the doorway to higher consciousness and our collective paradigm is mirroring it…


Cosmic Awareness: December 2012 Nibiru Update

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — Cosmic Awareness, I have a question to do with the SOHO website, where you can download images of the Lasco C2 and Lasco C3…


DL Zeta: Transforming Obstacles into Blessings

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — The energies of the recent lunar eclipse triggered a wave of energy that will extend into coming weeks and months, bringing about clearing and release at…


Aisha North: The Final Shift is Approaching

By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 231) — You have come a long way dear ones, and even if the road has been a slippery and steep one for many of…

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