Ascension 2013

Earth Changes and the Retribalization of Ancient Soul Groups

By Peter Phalam | Celestial Vision — There has been much discussion concerning the connection between ongoing shifts in consciousness and Earth changes. This is what we know now. The Earth has an…


Aisha North: You Arduous Journey is Reaching New Heights of Completion

By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 237) — We have come today to give you a short update on the proceedings. For now, you are well and truly on your way…


Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle

From OM Times Magazine — Drunvalo Melchizedek  is the author of five books including “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II”, “Living in the Heart”, the bestselling “Serpent of…


Cosmic Awareness: A Powerful 12-12-12 Meditation for Ascension

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — Very good, that is good. I have one more question to ask. With regard to 12-12-12, are there any particular steps or meditations that…


Aisha North: Prepare to Enter the Energetic Vortex of 12-12-12

By Aisha North | The manuscript of survival (Part 236) — ever faster just in front of you. For today is 11.12.12 or 12.11.12 if you will, the day before 12.12.12. So get ready…


Cosmic Awareness: Understanding and Taming the Reptilian Brain

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — Today is the 8th of December, 2012. This is a Cosmic Awareness channeling for the readers and listeners of the website. Present tonight are…


Timewave Zero: December 21st, 2012

From — “Timewave zero” is a numerological formula that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of “novelty”, defined as increase in the universe’s interconnectedness, or organised complexity, over time.  According to…


Kuthumi: Coming Home to Your Soul

By Lynette Leckie-Clark | Kuthumi School — My love and peace to you at this time as you traverse the final stages in this ascension level. Only when you pause and look back on your…


Aisha North: You Are Now Feeling the Intensifying Energies of Ascension

By Aisha North | The manuscript of survival (Part 235) — You have already felt the first stirrings of these energies coming into you dear ones, and you can perhaps attest that they feel…


Gaia: Words of Wisdom For December 2012

Gaia via Kate Oster | The Integration Age — Hello, my dear ones… Many of sleepless nights will be had this month… not out of fear or anxiety or insomnia… but because of…

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