Earth’s Magnetic Field and its Effect on Human Behavior and Consciousness
HJ: An important distinction I am increasingly learning to make is the determination of what is my own energy vs. those of the collective, the general universal/terrestrial flux, or even simply others I…

The Importance of Having a Teacher on the Spiritual Path
HJ: It has been my personal experience that having a true, highly conscious and spiritually advanced guide on the path is nothing short of a miracle. If one is serious about making rapid…

February 2013 Energy Forecast: The Completion of Old Agreements
HJ: The changes that Emmanuel alludes to in this months energy forecast are not always ‘in-your-face’ obvious, although they certainly can be depending on what you choose to create for yourself and what…

Understanding The Root Spiritual Causes of Disease and Illness
HJ: Disease and illness is predisposed by a susceptibility to such conditions. One becomes susceptible when they have issues they still need to work through at the spiritual/soul level. While it is true that diseases…

It’s 2013… What Now?
HJ: Many can feel that something major shifted this past Decemeber and that indeed we now find ourselves in a new age. However, many also lack clarity as to just exactly what that…

13 Spiritual Guidelines for Living an Enlightened Life
HJ: Spiritual truths are timeless and unchanging. They are not complicated or complex, but definitely challenge the preconceived notions and illusions of the mind from which we base our perceptions. In that sense, they can…

How Accepting Your Past Will Unlock Your Future Potential
HJ: Actively creating our lives to reflect our higher nature and divine will requires us to be intensely focused on the outcome we wish to manifest. This cannot happen if one is mired…

The Eight Stages of Self Awareness
HJ: As has been impressed upon me lately, spirit speaks in general terms. This allows for the inclusion of unlimited potential and possibility, but it can also be confusing and challenging for those…

A Guide to the 6 Virtues of the Heart
HJ: It has been my personal experience that having a framework for working with higher spiritual concepts is immensely helpful. It can help one transcend the initial resistance experienced when trying to find…