You Are Sublime Reality: Lessons of Enlightenment From Behind the Iron Curtain
HJ: Enlightenment can happen anywhere — even deep behind the iron curtain, as recently discovered mystic Ilie Cioara beautifully illustrates. Ilie spent upwards of twenty years meditating, by himself, in a small apartment in Eastern Europe in…

The 144 Light Pulse Meditation Technique: Powerful Healing Tool for the Mind, Body, Spirit and Planet
This simple, but profoundly powerful, historic meditation technique is given in its entirety for use by a new generation of Healers and mystics. By Truth | The Healers Journal — When I come…

How Manifestation Works at a Core Level: How to Use Your Higher Spiritual Abilities to Create What You Need
HJ: Manifestation is an artform and one that requires the lens of perception to turn inward rather than outward. A true manifestation happens in perfect divine timing, meaning that the demands and constraints…

How to Tell the Difference Between Intuition and Impulse
HJ: When learning to differentiate between intuition and impulse, we must focus on feeling over thinking, which can be challenging for many of us. Growing up believing in the power of thought, logic and reasoning over all…