Aisha North: The Downloads Are Coming in Increments
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 209) — As of today, many will feel the need to stand a little bit taller in the role as carriers of the light, because…

Aisha North: Distinguishing Between Reality and Disinformation
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 208) — Time is speeding up, and much is starting to fall by the wayside because of this. To many of you, this is mayhaps…

Aisha North: The Old Truths No Longer Apply
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival – Part 207 — As you have noticed, these swirls of energy that are enveloping you have become more and more tangible to you all in…

Aisha North: You Were Never Alone in the Universe
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 205) — Mankind as a species have for too been long been harbouring the thought that they are unable to do anything but follow in…

Aisha North: The Apprentice’s Manual – Lesson 2
By Aisha North | The Apprentice’s Manual (Lesson 2) — This morning I had another visit from The teacher. This time, he showed me a bookcase, and asked me to think about how I…

Aisha North: The Great Cycle is Coming to an End
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 204) — As the time passes and the gears shift, you will all feel the increase in activity now that the end of the cycle…

Aisha North: Society Has Programmed You to Expect Cataclysm
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 203) — We would like to take this opportunity to once again delve a bit further into the same topic as last time, namely the…

Aisha North: Ascension Symptoms Beginning to Spread to the Unawakened
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 202) — We wold like to give to you some details on an interesting topic that has not been covered much in the previous installments…

Aisha North: The Quickening Has Begun in Earnest
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival — Once again, the sun is shining down upon your little world. But today, so much has changed since the last time she shed her benevolent…

Aisha North: The Apprentice’s Manual – Lesson 1
By Aisha North | The Apprentice Manual — This morning during meditation I was given the first lesson for The apprentices’s manual, and it started by meeting up with one of my guides…