11:11 – The Exceptional Time of the Year
By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | The Quantum Awakening — I have been working with the 11:11 energies since 1992. Some say it is repetitive and unnecessary But I Know Otherwise. The 11:11 vibration of Light…

Cosmic Awareness: Jupiter to Become A Second Sun; Affect on Astrology
JUPITER TO BECOME ANOTHER SUN? Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent. He will be very, very pleased and I think it does explain it for…

The Coming Powerful Alignments: 11-11 & 12-21 Energetic Gateways
A Message From The Council Of Twelve By Selacia | Selecia.com — Opportunity of the 11/11 Gateway If you feel a bit dizzy from the plethora of recent events, you are not alone….

What Astrology Can Tell Us About Super Storm Sandy and Future Events
The Astrology of Super Storm Sandy By Adam Elenbaas | Reality Sandwich — Because I know that many people interested in the astrology of the recent Super Storm are not professional astrologers or students of…

2013: Comprehensive List of Astrological Events
2013 Comprehesive Astrological Events From Earth-Keeper.com — Thanks to Earth-keeper.com for providing this comprehensive list of important astrological dates for next year. – Lunar & Solar Eclipses in 2013 – Lunar Eclipse Apr…