February 2013 Powerpath Astrological Forecast: Unpredictability
HJ: While astrology can be a useful tool for working with the energies present at any moment in time, it should be used more as a guide and not as a definitive marker…

Comprehensive List of 2013 Astrological and Planetary Alignments
HJ: For those who are interested in such things, I present James Tyberonn’s comprehensive list of astrological and planetary alignments for 2013. Hopefully this information will help you to plan and prepare for upcoming dates…

Shamanic Forecast: Transitions – January 2013
HJ: Lena speaks here of transitions and this is an entirely fitting summation of the energies of January 2013. As the new age of Aquarius continues to unfold, it will most certainly be…

Emmanuel Dagher: January 2013 Energy Forecast – The In Between Stage
HJ: I am a big fan of Emmanuel Dagher. His words deeply resonate with me and it is obvious that he is speaking from a place of wisdom and deep caring for all….

Mark Husson: 2013 Sun Sign Forecasts, Important Dates and Energetic Reading
HJ: Astrology is truly an ‘artful’ science in every sense of the word. It is all about interpretation and finding an astrologer who resonates with your sensibility. That being said, Mark Husson has…

Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul
By IAN LAWTON | New Dawn — Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to…