Aisha North: December Will Bring Major Upgrades
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 230) — As you are all aware, tomorrow is the beginning of that fabled month of December 2012, and we would like to give you…
The Mystery of Shambhala and the Lost World of Agartha
By Jason Jefferey | New Dawn — I believe the idea of Shambhala has not yet come to full flower, but that when it does it will have enormous power to reshape civilisation….
Jeshua ben Joseph: The Clock is Counting Down to Ascension…
This is a time to cherish as the clock counts down. . . Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman | John Smallman — The last stage in your journey of awakening is beginning as you move…
If I’m Awakening Spiritually, Why Don’t I Feel Better?
By Max | — Being a light worker today means being a pioneer—one who can envision the beautiful possibilities for the human species and for our world, but who has the daunting,…
James Tyberonn: Astrology of the November 28 Lunar Eclipse
Astrology of the Nov 28 Lunar Eclipse By James Tyberonn | — The 28 Nov Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs exact at : 14:46 UT London 9:46 am Eastern USA – 8:46…
Aisha North: The Eclipse Marks A Major Shift in Energies
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 229) — Today is another important day that will mark the passage from one state to another, as the moon will be darkened by the…
Benjamin Fulford: The Purge of the Nazis Has Begun on Three Continents
By Benjamin Fulford | Benjamin Fulford November 27, 2012 — There are signs everywhere now that a political logjam has been broken now that the new Chinese government has been installed and that…
November 28th Lunar Eclipse – Reseting and Growing
By Patricia Liles | Ascension for All — Dear friends The second of the two eclipse package is here on Wed. Nov 28 at 6:46 AM Pacific Standard Time (or 2:46 PM Greenwich…