natures abundance

DL Zeta: Meltdowns, New Focus Identities and Evolving-Door Realities: Answering Spirit’s Call to World Service

By DL Zeta DL Zeta It has been said we are never given a challenge we don’t have the resources to handle. While it is wise to have faith in one’s self, it…


Dr. Joshua David Stone: How the Negative Ego Sabotages your Ability to Manifest – Part 3 of 4

Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University The next way the negative ego sabotages is that it creates doubt, fear, and impatience. I say to you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, that…


Dr. Joshua David Stone: How the Negative Ego Sabotages your Ability to Manifest – Part 2 of 4

Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University The next way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is that it “carries its cross itself, instead of letting GOD and the inner plane…

starry sky tree

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 151

By Aisha North Aisha North’s Blog As we have often times described, mankind is a species constantly seeking redemption in some way. Let us explain. For eons, you have been searching high and…


Dr. Joshua David Stone: How the Negative Ego Sabotages your Ability to Manifest – Part 1 of 4

Written by Dr Joshua David Stone http://iamuniversity.org/how-the-negative-ego-sabotages-your-ability-to-manifest-2/ This, my Beloved Readers, is another very interesting study of how the negative ego/fear-based/separative thought system can sabotage your ability to manifest success in every aspect of…

sananda spiritual hierarchy

Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy: The Leaders of Your Sacred Secret Societies are Securing the New Financial System

Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle 13 Etznab, 11 Moan, 8 Manik http://www.paoweb.com/sn061212.htm Dratzo! We return! We are completing the last required level of legal diligence. Much has been formally filed…

light tree

Saul: What You Are Experiencing is Totally Unreal

Saul via John Smallman – June 13, 2012 http://wp.me/pwoMa-mj Progress towards your grand awakening is proceeding apace. The evidence for that may not be readily apparent to most of you because the veil…

triple light tree

Cosmic Awareness: More on the New Planet A/B Scenario

MORE ON THE NEW PLANET A/B SCENARIO Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff http://www.cosmicawareness.org QUESTIONER: Thank you. There is another question. When first discussing the Planet A and B scenario excellent comprehensive descriptions were…

blue lotus

Cosmic Awareness: The Coming Changes – The Importance of Focus and Choice

BOTH POSITIVE & NEGATIVE CHANGE IS COMING And It Is Your Right To Choose Which Path You Take June 2012 http://www.cosmicawareness.org/ QUESTIONER: One question: Is there anything positive to this whole scenario apart…

blooming forest

Hilarion: For Those Who Are Ready, This is the Time of the Merging Process

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana June 10, 2012 http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2012.htm Beloved Ones, This is a time of staying grounded and connected with Mother Earth. Plan to spend as much time out of doors as is…

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